New Member Information
10 hours needed 5 hours needed School Service Must be an event or activity that benefits our school Cannot be an event hosted by another group (Student Council, RIPT) Community Service Any volunteer service provided that benefits your community, a single person, or an organization within your community Scouting events, church events may be accepted
Science Book Fair (Aug. 27 – Sept. 4) Student Lead Conference Day (Dec. 10) Book Drive (October 1-30) Photo Booth (Reading Weeks, Sept , Oct , Mar ) Poetry Jam (April) Dances (TBA) Book Fair (Dec. 1-10, Mar ) Carnival (October 10th) NJHS Induction Ceremony (February) Toy Drive (Dec. 1-10) Food Drive (Nov. 1-26) 5 th Grade Orientation (May) Teacher Appreciation Weeks (Fall/Spring) Ushers at music concerts (Winter/Spring) Homework helpers Additional service opportunities will arise…listen for announcements throughout the year!
Food drives Clothing drives Fundraising for non-profit organizations ◦ Walks, marathons, etc. Scouting or church events that benefit the community or an individual Assisting neighbors/elderly with house or yard work – FOR FREE! Child care – FOR FREE! Most of these are ‘on your own’!
Forms Announcements
If you have questions at any time, go to the library and ask Mrs. Savage. me: NJHS webpage: Go to Mrs. Savage’s Library Website NJHS link is on the bottom left!