Elizabethan Women Brave Hard working Affectionat e Violated Resourcef ul Willing Intelligent Noble
Ranks of Women There were four different ranks of women. One was a commoner, she would have also been married. There was also widowed and unmarried women. Lastly there was rich/noble women. Each had similar and differences within their duties and were treated very differently in society.
Commoner Women Often thought of as worthless in society these women were the reason for everything. Not only did they do all the house work including cleaning, cooking, gardening, raising the kids and feeding and grooming the animals but they also earned profits from their duties. Men believed that it was a mans job to earn the money but women could earn a small sum by gardening and selling the products at the market. Their toughest job might have been informing and raising their daughters, to be dependant on men, to work their butts off and to ensure that their daughters were capable on their own.
Noble Women I’m not saying that noble women had it easy, because they sure didn’t, but they did have it easier than a commoner wife. Their royalty was only passed down to them and they had really nothing to earn. During this era no women had it ‘easy’ so it was true that, despite their title, these women were still dependant on a male and still faced the same consequences in life.
Widows & Unmarried Women Widows Widows were single women but since they had previously been married they were treated differently in society. Luckily these women could own a business or property and were entitled to one third of their late husbands heir or wealth. Also, a widows signature wasn’t actually considered legal so if the servants pleased they could steal her money! Unmarried These women did not have the same status in society although they were in the same position as widows. Marriage was very desirable and if you were not married many could’ve considered you a witch! Sadly, you were also an embarrassment to the family and forever a burden. You would also be forever dependant on males in your family.
Birth & Families Not only was birth difficult as it is today but it was very dangerous as well. With the plague and unknown diseases floating around who knew if the mom or baby would survive. In the case of the mom dying during birth there would’ve been prearranged living for the child. Unfortunately death was not uncommon during birth! Today most families are relatively small consisting of 2-5 children but not back then! During the Elizabethan Era families usually had 8- 12, or more, children! Wow, that's a lot but parents that farmed were able to afford it easily.
Sexism Sadly, women were taught as young girls to be loyal to male authority and that they had no rights. Brought up inferior to men girls, no matter what age, could be beaten for disobedience to any male relative. Women had no rights and could not be involved in politics. Men felt that women were not capable of such a task and making decisions for the community. Not only did they not have rights but were considered possessions of their husbands! Can you believe that! During this time they could not rebel against the beatings, gaining rights or anything else!
Choices; what were they? Women only had two choices: – Marriage and have a family. – Unmarried and be a burden. So, as you can see there were very limited choices and not very ____ ones at that! The choice of marriage was most desirable but not every woman chose it. Some had arranged marriages despite their wishes because it would bring wealth to the family. If you chose the other one, to not marry, you would be an embarrassment forever!