Using PADI Templates as an Alternative Structure for Specifying GLOBE Investigation Strategies AERA April 2005 Angela Haydel DeBarger, SRI International Futoshi Yumoto, University of Maryland Edys Quellmalz, SRI International
Purpose To use the PADI Design System to develop a template based on the Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment investigation assessments To use the GLOBE template as an example for creating task specifications with the PADI Wizard 2
Background GLOBE is a worldwide hands-on, elementary and secondary school-based education and science program ( Why GLOBE Is a Good Use-Case for PADI Investigation assessments developed for GLOBE in a previous NSF grant address multiple, integrated inquiry skills within Earth Science topics ( The constellation of GLOBE assessment resources shape the development of the GLOBE PADI template. 3
GLOBE Classroom Assessment Template 4 [Insert GLOBE data or graphs here] Present problem requiring use of GLOBE data archives. Plan Investigations: Pose relevant questions. Analyze & Interpret GLOBE Data: Questions about data in the table. Conducting Investigations: Assuring data quality. Analyze & Interpret Data: Relationships between variables. Analyze & Interpret Data: Generate new representations to analyze trends. Analyze & Interpret Data: Interpret specific features of graphs. Plan Investigations: Set up another problem using new data set. Communicate Findings: Summarize and report findings.
5 GLOBE in a PADI Template Template Development Process: Analysis of GLOBE assessment framework, classroom assessment template, tasks, and rubrics Development of multiple representational formats for classifying GLOBE assessment elements into PADI template components Creation of objects in the PADI design system Student Model Task Model Evidence Model Representation of Inquiry Skills and Content Knowledge Identification of Presentation Materials and TMVs Definition of Evaluation Procedures and Measurement Models Evidence-Centered Assessment Design
Representation of Inquiry Skills and Content Knowledge 8 activities (1 per GLOBE investigation/inquiry phase) Content topic as a template-level TMV Univariate and Multivariate Student Models Univariate: combined content and inquiry student model variables (SMVs) Multivariate: multiple inquiry SMVs plus content SMV 6 Approach: Student Model
7 Relationships among GLOBE Activities and Inquiry SMVs Activities Find Data Trends Infer Relationships Re-express Data ID Variables in Displays Describe Transfer Problem Communicate Findings Student Model Ability to Plan Investigations Ability to Take Measurements Ability to Analyze And Compare Ability to Interpret Data Ability to Communicate Findings Assure Data Quality Pose Research Questions
8 Relationships among GLOBE Activities and Inquiry SMVs Activities Pose Research Questions Infer Relationships Re-express Data ID Variables in Displays Describe Transfer Problem Communicate Findings Student Model Ability to Plan Investigations Ability to Take Measurements Ability to Analyze And Compare Ability to Interpret Data Ability to Communicate Findings Assure Data Quality Find Data Trends
9 Relationships among GLOBE Activities and Inquiry SMVs Activities Pose Research Questions Find Data Trends Infer Relationships Re-express Data ID Variables in Displays Describe Transfer Problem Communicate Findings Student Model Ability to Plan Investigations Ability to Take Measurements Ability to Analyze And Compare Ability to Interpret Data Ability to Communicate Findings Assure Data Quality
10 Relationships among GLOBE Activities and Inquiry SMVs Activities Pose Research Questions Find Data Trends Infer Relationships Re-express Data ID Variables in Displays Describe Transfer Problem Communicate Findings Student Model Ability to Plan Investigations Ability to Take Measurements Ability to Analyze And Compare Ability to Interpret Data Ability to Communicate Findings Assure Data Quality
11 Relationships among GLOBE Activities and Inquiry SMVs Activities Pose Research Questions Find Data Trends Infer Relationships ID Variables in Displays Describe Transfer Problem Communicate Findings Student Model Ability to Plan Investigations Ability to Take Measurements Ability to Analyze And Compare Ability to Interpret Data Ability to Communicate Findings Assure Data Quality Re-express Data
12 Relationships among GLOBE Activities and Inquiry SMVs Activities Pose Research Questions Find Data Trends Infer Relationships Re-express Data Describe Transfer Problem Communicate Findings Student Model Ability to Plan Investigations Ability to Take Measurements Ability to Analyze And Compare Ability to Interpret Data Ability to Communicate Findings Assure Data Quality ID Variables in Displays
13 Relationships among GLOBE Activities and Inquiry SMVs Activities Pose Research Questions Find Data Trends Infer Relationships Re-express Data ID Variables in Displays Communicate Findings Student Model Ability to Plan Investigations Ability to Take Measurements Ability to Analyze And Compare Ability to Interpret Data Ability to Communicate Findings Assure Data Quality Describe Transfer Problem
14 Relationships among GLOBE Activities and Inquiry SMVs Activities Pose Research Questions Find Data Trends Infer Relationships Re-express Data ID Variables in Displays Describe Transfer Problem Communicate Findings Student Model Ability to Plan Investigations Ability to Take Measurements Ability to Analyze And Compare Ability to Interpret Data Ability to Communicate Findings Assure Data Quality
Identification of Stimulus Materials and Work Products Identification of Task Model Variables (TMVs) Template-level; Activity-level Articulation of Hierarchical Relationships among TMVs Template-level to Template-level Template-level to Activity-level Activity-level to Activity-level 15 Task Model
16 Hierarchical Relationships among TMVs
Definition of Evaluation Procedures and Measurement Models Specification of observable variables (OVs) Linking OVs to SMVs through Measurement Model Relating TMVs and Evaluation Procedures 17 Evidence Model
Develop GLOBE task specifications Develop Wizard to guide others in creating specialized GLOBE templates and task specifications Document the GLOBE template design process 18 Future Directions