Communication and its forms Gymnázium Pavla Jozefa Šafárika Kód ITMS projektu: Názov projektu: Kvalitou vzdelávania otvárame brány VŠ Vzdelávacia oblasť: Jazyk a komunikácia Predmet Anglický jazyk Ročník, triedy: VIII.OA Tematický celok: Komunikácia a jej formy Vypracoval: Ing. Diana Matisová Dátum: 08/2015
Obsah 1.Warm up video 2.Types of communication 3.Video 1 Communication media 4.Communication media 5.Video 2 Types and media of communication 6.Video 3 Effective communication 7.Effective communication 8.Communication in time 9.Video 4 Digital story of nativity 2
Watch the video. Discuss it. What is communication? What types of communication do you know? 3 WARM UP VIDEO
6 1.Watch the video 1. 2.What are the communication media? 3.Which types of media did the penguin use? 4.Which types of media did the chicks use? 5.What kind of problems can be in communication? 6 VIDEO 1 Communication media Watch VIDEO 1
1.Find the types of communication 2.Find the communication media 3.Discuss the video 4.Find the problems of communication. 5.Why are there problems in communication? 9 VIDEO 2 Types and media of communication Watch VIDEO 2
11 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION Describe the picture and then watch VIDEO 2
12 VIDEO 3 – Effective communication Watch VIDEO 3
1.Why did the moose and the wolf die 2.What did the rabbit do differently to survive? 3.Which communication was effective and why? 4.Discuss the video. 5.PRACTICE – Use only voice (without words) and try to ask your friend for something 14 VIDEO 3 – Effective communication Watch VIDEO 3
How can we communicate effectively? Here is some language to help you discuss: People can understand what you want, if… You can show it by … You should not … You should … 15 Effective communication DISCUSS :
Compare communication in past and present What are your predictions toward the future Do you communicate less or more than your ancestors? What media do you prefer to use? 16 Communication in time DISCUSS : Watch VIDEO 4
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