FEDMAP STATEMAP ($4 to $7 million) EDMAP The program is recognition that geologic maps are the primary database of applied and basic earth science investigations National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) Program has been Reauthorized
PURPOSE OF SMAC Advise SG: Development of a long range mapping plan Identification of mapping priorities Selection of projects Must meet annually Must provide a letter from Chair with the Proposal No Proposal is Funded without the SMAC Letter (10% of evaluation)
STATEMAP GOAL: Geologic information in areas of state that are vital to the economic, social and scientific welfare of the state PRIORITIES 1.Societal need (multiple issue need or compelling single issue need) 2. Solve critical earth science problem State Geologist determines these areas in consultation with a State Mapping Advisory Committee
FUNDING 1:1 Federal/State match required State match can be in kind contributions or cash Can come from multiple tax-supported entities but not federal sources Private sector is not excluded Non-State Survey match must: a. provide a letter committing to the cost share b. identify the nature of match (dollars, time, personnel, equipment, services) c. link cost share directly to a task in the proposal d. details are specified in the budget
PROPOSALS One proposal submitted per year Multiple projects representing multiple quadrangles Each project must: Be clearly defined, justified Be organized around a credible societal issue or solve a critical earth problem Show 1:1 Federal/State match
TYPES OF PROJECTS New geologic mapping (1:24,000 scale) Update old geologic mapping (1:24,000) Maps that are ready for publication (1:24,000) Digital compilations (usually at 1:100,000 scale and only one per year) Point data can also be included
SUMMARY OF STATEMAP GEOLOGIC MAPPING PROGRAM IN MASSACHUSETTS Federal Fiscal Year Quadrangles Mapped or Vectorized State Dollars Federal Dollars Total Project Dollars 2003 Marlborough, Norwood, Blue Hills, Brockton, Taunton, Whitman, Bridgwater, Assawompset Pond, Hanover, Duxbury, Scituate $43,432 $41,209 $84, Lawrence, South Groveland, Reading, Wilmington, Hudson, Oxford $78,120 $78,118 $156,238 Totals $552,804 $495,370 $1,048, Ayer $60,986 $60,851 $121, Milford, Rockport, Gloucester $99,782 $85,292 $185, N. Half Westford, Blackstone; Orange $66,095$68,695 $134, Finish Westford $56,000$55,529 $111, S. Half Lowell, N. Half Billerica Newburyport East $145,789 $108,277$254,066
Long-Range Mapping Plan Meeting Continue bedrock mapping at 1:24,000 scale Continue updating older, outdated reconnaissance, preliminary or open-file bedrock maps Map those quads for which published data do not exist. Continue to collect and analyze brittle structural data as part of the bedrock geologic mapping effort Incorporate subsuface well data into geologic mapping to assist with more accurate construction of geologic maps. Commence production of seamless, onshore-offshore geologic maps in coastal communities to support mission of the Ocean Act Continue to focus on I-495 corridor Complete surficial geologic coverage statewide at 1:24,000 scale
2007 Priorities Focus on heavily populated eastern half of state and along major transportation corridors such as I-495 Initiate seamless onshore-offshore geologic mapping of Massachusetts coastal communities Update older, outdated bedrock geologic maps Suggestions Map in areas that support State’s energy initiatives for carbon sequestration, GSHP, deep geothermal
Recommended Projects for FY10 Bedrock Geologic Map of the Attleboro Quad Dan Murray – URI – Carbon sequestration Plum Island, Finish Ipswich Quad – seamless bedrock mapping Mt Grace quad – Peter Robinson Finish Billerica quad – in I-495 corridor Franklin Quad – Matt Massey – south end of I-495 Cape Cod – shoreline change
State Mapping Advisory Committee Meeting Thursday, August 27, 2009 ENSR International 2 Technology Park Drive Westford, MA :00 pm to 1:00 pmLunch 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm State Geologist Update 1:15 to 1:45 pmSTATEMAP FY10 Planning Purpose of SMAC Existing Mapping Plan/Priorities Proposed Projects FY10 Justification - Vote 1:45 to 2:15 pm Open Discussion