Welcome Purpose Discuss issues now with your legislators Share with staff, parents, community Handout ed and posted scsba.org Type your questions, comments
Presenters Scott Price, SCSBA Executive Director Debbie Elmore, SCSBA Governmental Relations Director
Statewide turnaround district District, separate from state department of education, to take over and turnaround low performing schools No longer is part of local district and return is non existent New Orleans, Tenn., Michigan New resolution presented to members in December Unclear evidence of success
School start date Opportunity to change the law in 2016 New test may mean new testing window More legislators expressing support for amending law
Testing Opt-Out Increasing numbers of parents opting out Companion bills filed to protect parents and students – need same for schools, districts No state law, regulation on opt-out Conflicting messages from policy makers
Tuition tax credit expansion Proponents calling for more funding, more student accessibility New this year - direct state refund for tuition, expenses Increased reporting, qualifying requirements of SFO #’s of eligible private schools doubled Need more accountability of schools
Other issues Uniform school board elections and training Education funding reform Teacher pay and incentives Transportation