9.3.2016Primary health care 20111 Kaisa Mölläri and Satu Vuorio.


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Presentation transcript:

Primary health care Kaisa Mölläri and Satu Vuorio

Changes in the statistical report on primary health care in Primary health care The 2011 statistical report is a combination of the report on outpatient primary health care, the report on oral health care, and the report on health centre inpatient care. The 2011 report draws on data retrieved from the HILMO Care Registers for Social Welfare and Health Care and its sub- register, the Register of Primary Health Care Visits (AvoHILMO). The data collection on outpatient primary health care was replaced in 2011 with an online data transfer using the AvoHILMO Register and collecting data directly from patient records. THL produces up-to-date online reports on the data thus received.

Outpatient visits to physicians and other practitioners in primary health care, 2001– Primary health care 2011

Top 5 reasons for outpatient treatment visits to physicians in health centres by ICD-10 and ICPC-2 codes in 2011, number of entries Primary health care 2011

Health centre visits by service type and age group in Primary health care 2011

Health centre clients, as a proportion of the total population by age group in Primary health care 2011

Oral health care visits in health centres by practitioner and age group in Primary health care 2011

Patients, care periods and care days in health centre wards, 2002– Primary health care 2011

Care days in health centre wards, women and men and patients aged 75 and more Primary health care 2011

Long-term patients in health centre wards by length of care, 2006– Primary health care 2011

Number of care days in health centre wards by diagnosis group, 2003– Primary health care 2011

Number of care periods in health centre wards by diagnosis group, 2003– Primary health care 2011

Statistical report on primary health care 2011 The number of primary health care outpatient visits increased in health centres, totalling some 29 million, which was more than in previous year. There were 5.3 visits per capita. An increasing proportion of health centre visits were to other practitioners than physicians. Physician visits amounted to over 7 million and visits to other practitioners to some 29 million. Most of the oral health care visits were still visits to dentists. Health centre oral health care had more than 4.5 million visits in There were about patients treated in inpatient primary health care in Their average age was 76 years. In inpatient care, there was a decrease in the length of stay, especially among women aged 75 and over. The most common reasons for inpatient care were diseases of the circulatory system and psychiatric diseases. Diseases of the respiratory system and musculoskeletal diseases were the two most common diagnosis groups in health centre outpatient care. Statistical report 20/ Primary health care