University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies An Overview of Findings (please see report for more detail) Communication Practices in University Operations Data Collected Fall 2008
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Study Summary 903 total surveys Demographics similar to Univ. Operations as a whole Paper and on-line versions English & Spanish versions Data collected by Dr. Stephens & graduate class on organizational communication
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Key Findings Communication practices are different between office and labor workers Office workers –Want less Labor workers –Want more paper –Want more communication on most topics and through most channels. FtF matters for everyone Everyone is similar in their job satisfaction, identification, overload, impression of the quality of the HR Website, and that safety is a priority at UT.
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Computer-Related Office workers –have access to computers at work and 95% at home as well –Report fairly high skills (3.75 out of 5) low SD Labor workers –See details next slide English (N = 740) vs Spanish (N = 163) version –Spanish version M = 1.96, English version M = 3.26
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Computer-Related Access at Work and at Home Job categoryWork access % with no access either place Service & Maintenance38.9%30.5% Tech Staff & Para97.1% 1.4% Other Professionals 99% 0% Executive & Manage 100% 0% Clerical & Sec. 100% 0% Skills & Crafts84.2% 8.1% See p. 11 of report for more details
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Office Workers Department Meetings FtF with coworkers FtF with supervisor Landline phone Personal phone Org. provided phone HR Website Paper newsletters Outlook calendar Text on cell Blogs Instant messaging Informal talk Daily Texan Local news UT home page Mail Family Friends Channels Used and Desired by Office Workers Amount Used Amount Desired
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Channel Use Discrepancy Three groups wants less exec./managerial, other professionals, and clerical & sec. All groups want to use their personal phones less except for service & maint. & skills & crafts. Statistically significant does not necessarily mean practically significant. See Tables in Section 5.0 for details for each of the 6 categorized work groups.
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Parking Specific Office workers want less –Probably related to overload Labor workers want more –Verbal comments during survey administration 5:45pm time change & shifts
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Safety & Security Specific Safety is viewed as a priority at UT (4 out of 5) People feel fairly comfortable finding what they need on this topic and the quality of the info. Office workers –Like to receive more health & safety info. Labor workers –Like to receive more info on all topics from all channels Note: Not sure they know what mobile campus is and how to use it.
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Human Resources Specific Website quality similar between groups and fairly high Office workers –Have more access to HR Website –Use benefit fairs & supervisors less than labor workers –Are learning about working at UT from the Web (more than labor) Labor workers –Have less access to HR Website –Perceive benefit fairs as quite useful –Perceive the mail as quite useful (as useful as the HR Website) –Want considerably more information on all topics Both groups –Want much more on Employee Discount Program, Pay and raise information, Organizational decisions, & Policy changes
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Few Outcome Differences Job satisfactionIdentificationOverload Labor workers Office workers
University of Texas at Austin Dr. Keri K. Stephens, Department of Communication Studies Top Recommendations Paper still matters and we should resist moving all information to the Web with no paper options. –people take paper home and have others read and it explain it to them, they also use postal mail Benefit fairs are more important for labor workers, so look for ways to help them attend Office workers say they want less , so are there ways to allow them to opt out of receiving specific types of information? It is common for people to say they want more information, but prioritize the areas where the gaps between what they receive and want are close to 2.0 points.