The Reformation Across the Channel
Tudor King of England Defender of the Faith Marries Katherine of Aragon Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain = parents No heirs—one daughter, Mary Wants an Annulment Pope says NO WAY
Established the Church of England and made himself the head Challenges the authority of the pope Allows him to get a divorce
Katherine of Aragon 1536; annulled 1533 Anne Boleyn ; executed Jane Seymour ; her death Anne of Cleves Jan 6- Jul ; annulled Catherine Howard ; executed Catherine Parr ; his death
Ann 26 when married Henry VIII (he was 42) Only 8 years older than Mary Married 3 years— charged with adultery (suspicions of witchcraft) Beheaded May 19, 1536
Married May 30, 1536 Died 12 days after the birth of Edward VI Henry considers this one of his 2 valid marriages
January 1547-July 1553 Son of Henry VIII and Jane Seymour Protestant Book of Common Prayer
Daughter of Katherine of Aragon and Henry VIII Revoked the Act of Supremacy Catholic She burned nearly 3,000 Protestants at stake for not renouncing
Reign Daughter of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII Protestant Reinstated the Act of Supremacy Issued Thirty Nine Articles – outward conformity Be who you want behind closed doors, but tell people you’re Anglican
The English Reformation was a religious reformation on the surface; however, the continual realignment of Church doctrine changed England politically and socially more than anything else.