The Making of a Superhero
You will pick one of the early hominids and design a “superhero” poster. Your poster should focus on the abilities of the hominid you select. 2 Hominid Superhero Poster
The name of your hominid. This is the title of your poster. Information on where and when your hominid lived. A drawing of your “super hominid”. Your final draft should include at least 5 colors. A list and drawings of your hominid’s important abilities. For example, if your hominid what the first to control fire, you should write that and draw a picture of it. Other creative details to make your poster seem more realistic. 3 Your Poster Should Include:
You will design your rough draft on page 19 of your student workbook. Use your notes to help you gather information for your poster. Once you’ve designed your first draft, you will make a colorful final draft on a white piece of paper. 4 Drafts
5 Here are some ideas to get you started
6 Dash
7 Spiderman
8 The Incredibles
9 Superman