National Cancer Institute 1 1 LexBIG integration caCORE Software User Meeting Aug 7, 2006
National Cancer Institute 2 2 Introduction
National Cancer Institute 3 3 What is LexBIG Successor to LexGRID 1.0 –Open terminology server –Developed by Mayo –Reference implementation HL7 CTS 1.0 spec LexBIG is a caBIG project –vCDE contract to Mayo for development Delivery of LexBIG 1.0 in March 2006 –vCDE contract to Mayo for deployment support Deployment at NCICB as caCORE component POP April – Nov 2006 –Future vCDE support possible for LexBIG 2.0 LexBIG on the caGrid
National Cancer Institute 4 4 Why Incorporate LexBIG in caCORE? Current terminology components are proprietary, Metaphrase is frozen –Cannot distribute Apelon JARs w/ caCORE –Requires complex architecture in caCORE –Cannot enhance functionality Lacks support for OBO, OWL RRF data formats Performance, lexical processing, graphs Foreign language support limitations Inconsistent with caBIG direction
National Cancer Institute 5 5 LexBIG Functionality LexBIG 1.0 designed to –Provide Apelon DTS, NCICB DTSRPC and Apelon Metaphrase functionality –Provide additional terminology server functionality EVS intends to replace Apelon and DTSRPC infrastructure with LexBIG Maintain backward compatibility of caCORE client-side API
National Cancer Institute 6 6 EVS Migration to LexBIG. caCOREDTSRPCDTS Meta caCORE 3.2 Production (4Q06) Mediator LexBIG API caCORE Server caCORE API caCORE 3.2 Pre-production (4Q06) Mediator LexBIG API caCORE Server caCORE API caCORE 4.0 Production (~2007) caCOREDTSRPCDTS Meta caCORE 4.0 Deprecated
National Cancer Institute 7 7 Integration
National Cancer Institute 8 8 caCORE System Architecture caCORE is based on an n-tier architecture Provides middleware between data and presentation –Data Access Objects –Domain objects (Java Beans) –Application Service –Interfaces (Web services, HTTP remoting, XML- HTTP)
National Cancer Institute 9 9 Non-ORM system LexBIG is a Non-”Object Relational Mapping” (ORM) system caCORE EVS domain object mapped to LexBIG objects. Mapping is Object To Object Mapping.
National Cancer Institute 10 Current vs Proposed System caCORE Web App DTSRPCDTS Metaphrase DB Current terminology components : Proposed: caCORE Web App DB Index LexBIG
National Cancer Institute 11 caCORE System Architecture Changes? (Yellow shaded area) What and How?
National Cancer Institute 12 Sequence Diagram Use case: user searching for an EVS object. (Note: ApplicationService layers removed for brevity.)
National Cancer Institute 13 Class Diagram
National Cancer Institute 14 Flexibility LexAdapter has built-in Remote Procedure Call (RPC) capablities. Possible to move LexBIG to dedicated server. EVS DAO configuration determined at runtime
National Cancer Institute 15 Runtime Configuration Runtime configuration determined by the DAOConfig.xml. What is the DAOConfig.xml? –Used by DAOFactory to determine DAO at runtime. Production server will use current EVSDAOImpl; Pre-production server will use LexBIGDAOImpl –DAOConfig.xml is used by the ServiceLocator to provide runtime configuration parameters for the DAO. –This file is generated by the SDK
National Cancer Institute 16 DAOConfig.xml (cont) Example DAOConfig EVS 6550 NCI Guest ****
National Cancer Institute 17 Demo
National Cancer Institute 18 Demo /************* Java API Test ***********************************************/ // 1. Search a DescLogicConcept /***************************************************************************/ System.out.println(" Java API Test "); System.out.println("1. Search for DescLogicConcepts where concept name ‘blood*'"); System.out.println(" \n"); ApplicationService appService = ApplicationService.getRemoteInstance(" acore32/http/remoteService"); EVSQuery evsQuery = new EVSQueryImpl(); String vocabularyName = "NCI_Thesaurus"; String searchTerm = “blood*"; evsQuery.searchDescLogicConcepts(vocabularyName, searchTerm, 100); List resultList = appService.evsSearch(evsQuery); for(int i=0; i< resultList.size(); i++){ gov.nih.nci.evs.domain.DescLogicConcept dlc= (gov.nih.nci.evs.domain.DescLogicConcept) resultList.get(i); System.out.println("Code: "+ dlc.getCode() +"\t"+ dlc.getName()); }
National Cancer Institute 19 Next Steps Continue LexBIG integration (Meta) Cache on client and tree API caCORE 3.2 release: deprecation of DTS-specific methods No new methods for novel LexBIG capabilities till caCORE 4.0 or later Regression test plan Need future discussion on data and data loads.
National Cancer Institute 20 Open Discussion
National Cancer Institute 21 Vocabulary Services on caGRID Charge –Investigate deploying vocabulary services on caGrid EVS and LexBIG Deliverable –White Paper Technical approach Definitional vs. runtime grid functionality Definition of Use Cases
National Cancer Institute 22 Terminology and the Grid Design Grid Runtime Grid Reference Ontology Full discovery, publishing, etc. True “Grid” functions Fixed, reproducible, Non-organic Neural Ontologies Ancillary – of interest, but not used Dynamic Full discovery True “Grid” functions
National Cancer Institute 23 Vocabulary Services on caGRID Recommendations to be used for: –caGRID 1.x Development –EVS and LexBIG Deployment to caGrid 1.0 Group Membership –James Buntrock, Facilitator –Harold Solbrig, LexBIG Architect –Frank Hartel, NCICB –Scott Oster, caGRID
National Cancer Institute 24 Questions? Questions?