1. What does the spider symbolize? 2. What does the web symbolize? 3. What is the author’s main idea? Profit, Greed, Luxury, Poverty, Ignorance, Indifference.
Who: You What: Quiz on the Industrial Revolution Where: Here When: Next class (B – 2/17, A 2/18) Why: To assess learning
EQ: What technological advancements were made during the Second Industrial Revolution?
By the mid-1800s, other nations had joined the race, and several newcomers were challenging Britain’s industrial supremacy. o Belgium became the first European nation outside Britain to industrialize. o Germany united into a powerful nation in Within a few decades, it became Europe’s leading industrial power. o The United States made rapid technological advances, especially after the Civil War. By 1900, American industry led the world in production. o Japan industrialized rapidly after o Canada, New Zealand, and Australia built thriving industries. o Eastern and southern Europe industrialized more slowly. These nations lacked natural resources or the capital to invest.
Mass Production – production of goods in quantity usually by machinery Aided by the use of interchangeable parts and the assembly line
Steel o Bessemer process developed stronger steel -> became major building material in Ind. Rev. Chemicals o Chemists created hundreds of new products. o New chemical fertilizers led to increased food production. o Alfred Nobel invented dynamite
Electricity o Thomas Edison patented the first light bulb. o Nikola Tesla developed the AC system of electricity still used today.
During the second Industrial Revolution, transportation and communication were transformed by technology. Transportation Steamships replaced sailing ships. Rail lines connected inland cities and seaports, mining regions and industrial centers. Nikolaus Otto invented a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine. Karl Benz patented the first automobile. Henry Ford began mass producing cars. The Wright brothers designed and flew the first airplane.
Communication Samuel Morse developed the telegraph. Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone. Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio.
Between 1800 and 1900, the population of Europe more than doubled. This rapid growth was not due to larger families. Instead, population soared because the death rate fell. The drop in the death rate can be attributed to the following: People ate better. Medical knowledge increased. Public sanitation improved. Hygiene improved. YearMaleFemale years42.8 years years44.7 years years48.5 years years56.0 years
Improved medicine and hygiene played a major role in increasing life expectancy in the industrialized world. o Louis Pasteur proved germ theory, the link between microbes and disease, developed vaccines against rabies and anthrax, and discovered the process of pasteurization, the killing of disease-carrying microbes in milk.
What technological advancements were made during the Second Industrial Revolution?
On a separate sheet of paper: Create a twitter conversation between inventors in the second Industrial Revolution. Conversation must include: o 3 inventors/inventions o 3 or more (more is better) hashtags (1 per invention) o A description of the inventions o An explanation of the impact of the inventions o Must use proper English