26 th September 2007 Portsmouth Business School Laura Wilson-Edwardes Nick Capon Social Enterprise: fashion or growing economic sector?
Types of social enterprise in Portsmouth Environment Elderly care Counselling Youth Education Housing Immigrants Health Employment IT
Impossible blend of making money and serving people? n=12 CEO of Portsmouth Social Enterprises, May 2007
Charity or Social Enterprise? Income & Profit & Social Focus Big Charity (NSPCC) Small CharitySmall Social Enterprise Small Business Large Social Enterprise (Big Life Group) Large Business (Vesta Blades Ltd)
Lessons to be learned from social enterprises by private and public sectors Leadership Ideas/image Approach
Success Factors 1 - Leadership You: The Entrepreneur –Motivation –Education, training –Track record, management experience –Teams, selecting people –Age
Success Factors 2 – Ideas/image The Enterprise –Assets, right to deploy –Distinctively superior in chosen market sector –Sustainable difference/ superiority –Legal Status –Age and Size –Location –Ownership
Success Factors 3 The Business Approach –How to compete –Finance –Market Position –Innovation, choice of products and services –Finding Future Managers
Over to You… Handout –Do you agree? –Learning points for you? Group discussion –Do you agree importance of these points? Group discussion –Learning points for my organisation? –Red means I agree, and some considerable thought required by me –Amber means maybe, some factors to consider –Green means you have this area covered