An ethnography of communication includes descriptions of all explicit and implicit norms for communication, detailing aspects of verbal, nonverbal, and social parameters of interaction
For Dell Hymes: 1) Participants, minimally speaker and addressee 2) Code used by interlocutors 3) Channel (speaking/writing/nonverbal signals) 4) Setting or context 5) Form or genre (conversation, folktale, chant, debate) 6) Topics and attitudes
For Bonvillain, organizing question in analysis of communicative event: What are the functions of speech? All cultures provide rules for appropriate communicative interaction in any given context: Behaviors that should occur Behaviors that may occur; Behaviors that should not occur
Setting Participants: Terms of Address (TLN/FN) Pronouns (V/T) Kinship terms (Aunt/Uncle) Honorifics Topics and Goals