Industrial engineering Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of men,materials and equipment. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict and evaluate the results obtained from such systems.
It is the engineering approach to the detailed analysis of the use and cost of resources of an organization. The main resources are man, money, equipment and machinery.
Origin Industrial engineering has its roots in in the industrial revolution. It was nourished by individuals who sought to advance organization and management principles at an earlier date, it emerged as a separate discipline and was formalized in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and it achieved maturity after world war II.
The Industrial Revolution There were a no. of important inventions which happened during this time which resulted in the industrial revolution. Inventions in the textile industry … Invention of spinning jenney, spinning frame, power loom was important. Invention of steam engine permitted factories to break away from water as the principle source of power. Invention in the metal cutting and the production of machine tools.
All these inventions and economic considerations led to the beginning of factories with relatively large number of workers and the decline of the home craftsman and the cottage system.
With the advent of factory came the beginnings of management and management thinking. Sir Richard awkwright, the inventor of the spinning frame is credited with devising and administrating a successful code of factory discipline. Charles babbage is credited with developing an early calculating machine, writing an early definitive work “ The economy of machinery and manufactures ”and various analysis of manufacturing operations.
These individuals attempted to systematize industrial management thinking stemmed from the same application of the scientific method which was revolutionizing the industrial world.
The development of scientific management concept At the end of nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century, a body of management knowledge began to emerge as a result of work of a number of individuals in several countries. The prominent names are : Fredrick taylor, Henry Gantt, Frank and Lillian Gilbreth and Herrington Emerson.
Taylor’s name is associated with methods studies among other activities. Gantt’s name is associated with developing management principles and procedures and a humanistic approach. Frank Gilbreth is identified with motion study along with his wife who went on to adaptations of industrial engineering procedures to the home and similar environments as well as to the psychological aspects of human endeavor. Harrington Emerson wrote and expounded on efficient operation and developed a bonus pay plan.
Frederick W. Taylor and the beginning of methods analysis Considered to be the father of scientific management and industrial engineering. He initiated investigations of better work methods and went on to become the first individual to develop an integrated theory of management principles and methodologies.
His formula for maximum production includes three elements – a definite task, a definite time a definite method. This is fundamental concept of industrial engineering
Henry L Gantt and his contribution He had a profound impact on the development of management thinking. Following are some of the significant contributions : Work in the motivation field and development of the task and bonus plan, a highly successful incentive plan. Greater consideration of the worker than was customarily accorded to him by management in Gantt’s time. Advocation of training of workers by management.
Recognition of social responsibility of business and industry. Measurement of management results, through Gantt charts and other techniques. Extensive writing on management concepts, including three books.. Industrial leadership ; work,wages and profits and organizing for work. Gantt was very much influenced by Taylor. However, he approached scientific management with a much more humanistic slant than taylor, who was interested primarily in the technological and scientific features of work in the industry.
Frank & Lillian Gilbreth and the advancement of motion studies They developed motion study as an engineering and management technique. They worked in seeking the best way to perform a task. They pioneered in the use of motion pictures for studying tasks and workers. They developed micro motion study.
Taylor and his contemporaries conceived of their contributions and attempts to formulate basic principles as a scientific approach to management and this activity soon became known as “scientific management ”. It was from these beginnings in areas of scientific thought, now generally described as organization, methods and work measurement, that industrial engineering sprang.
Evolution of term Industrial Engineering The term Scientific management which seemed appropriate to the evolving principles, soon developed a measure of disrepute. The early practitioners of scientific management had, for the most part, engineering backgrounds and many of them came to consider themselves “ Industrial engineers ”. Others attracted to the management field came to look upon themselves as management consultants or members of “ management”. As the principle and methodology of industrial engineering bacame focused, separate industrial engineering curricula and degree began to appear. Today, the term industrial engineering has become to be accepted by business and industry and there is awareness of the importance of this function.
Definition of Industrial engineering Industrial engineering is concerned with the design, improvement and installation of integrated systems of men,materials and equipment. It draws upon specialized knowledge and skill in the mathematical, physical and social sciences, together with the principles and methods of engineering analysis and design, to specify, predict and evaluate the results obtained from such systems.
Activities covered under Industrial Engineering Selection of processes and assembling methods. Selection and design of tools and equipment. Design of facilites, including layout of building, machines and equipment ; material handling equipment, raw materials and product storage facilities. Design and improvement of planning and control systems for distribution of goods and services, production, inventory, quality, plant maintenance and engineering or any other function.
Development of cost control systems such as budgetary controls, cost analysis and standard cost systems. Product development Design and installation of value engineering and analysis systems. Design and installation of management information system. Development and installation of wage incentive systems. Development of performance measures and standards ( including work measurement and evaluation systems )
Development and installation of job evaluation system. Evaluation of reliability and performance. Operations research, including such items as mathematical analysis, systems simulation, linear programming and decision theory. Design and installation of data processing systmens. Office systems, procedures and policies. Organizational planning Plant location survays which consider potential market for plant, raw material sources, labor supply, financing, taxes.
1. Methods engineering.. Operations analysis, motion study, material handling, production planning, safety and standardization. 2. Work measurement.. Time study, predetermined elemental time standards. 3. Control determination.. Production control, inventory control, quality control, cost control and budgetary control. 4. Wage and job evaluations.. Wage incentives, profit sharing, job evaluation, merit rating, wage and salary administration. 5. Plant facilities and design.. Plant layout, equipment procurement and replacement, product design, tool and gage design.