Researcher to Reader February 2016 BMA House, London Wi-Fi:Name: “Visitor” Password: “Roll on Spring” Twitter:#R2RConf
Summary & Closing Mark Carden, Conference Director Managing Consultant, Mosaic Search & Selection
Summary & Closing
Summary It’s all a bit of a mess It used to be simple But now it is complicated
Summary It’s all a bit of a mess We have broken the old system without establishing what the new system is and how it should work. We got it wrong [in 2005 and 2011]: Gold OA has not developed as much as we expected. How do we get out of this mess? We need to approach these questions in aa careful and mindful way? There is advocacy without evidence. Biggest legacy of Finch is that most publishers implemented the hybrid model.
Welcome & Introduction The Delegates
What does everybody want? Researchers / Authors Readers Institutions Libraries Reviewers Funders / Regulators Politicians
What does everybody want? Researchers / Authors be left alone do research get promoted and get tenure publish with prestige, impact and brand do no admin make easy choices follow no rules read stuff without friction be read without friction
What does everybody want? Readers free, or…. cheap or…. really expensive, as long as someone else is paying easy discovery easy UI absolutely no ‘serendipity’ don’t think about ‘you get what you pay for’
What does everybody want? Institutions not be in trouble with regulators and funders look good in league tables not get into arguments with faculty not spend any money
What does everybody want? Institutions there are not ‘7 stages’ of the publishing lifecycle
What does everybody want? Institutions there are not ‘7 stages’ of the publishing lifecycle it isn’t pronounced ‘owl’ and it doesn’t rhyme with towel there is uprOAr and grOAns about this hOAry old topic
What does everybody want? Institutions
What does everybody want? Libraries the good old days manageable journal subscriptions free stuff! (OA) expensive subscriptions that justified ERM to be publishers (maybe?) to be the office of research (maybe?) to be the repository (maybe?) to manage APCs (maybe?) don’t think about ‘you get what you pay for’ the good old days
What does everybody want? Politicians free public access to publicly-funded research free public access to publicly-funded aircraft carriers free public access to publicly-funded housing free stuff to give away
What does everybody want? Funders & Regulators RCUK – Green & Gold | HEFCE – Green only | COAF – Gold only
What does everybody want? Funders & Regulators be confusing be bossy mandate output medium mandate copyright rules become publishers???
What does everybody want? Publishers give huge piles of cash to shareholders be evil
What does everybody want? Publishers not have their business model destroyed get some recognition for the work that goes on get some money to pay the salaries realise brand value attract paying authors attract paying subscribers go on doing most of the 96 things they do resist ‘Freemium’ at all costs
What does everybody want? Publishers OR… break the mold be a platform or a mega-journal focus on articles forget issues embrace continuous publishing manage versioning let the ‘market’ handle peer review
What does everybody want? Reviewers less copy-editing openness and anonymity slick processes and flexibility fast turn-round and lax timetables credit or points or money or something familiar subjects to review harshly unfamiliar subjects to review generously
What does everybody want? Reviewers
What does everybody want? Conference Organisers have this debate continue violently and forever have publishers and suppliers stay in business
Summary It’s all a bit of a mess It used to be simple But now it is complicated
Summary & Closing
Closing Thank You! Delegates Speakers Panellists Chairpersons Committees Sponsors The ASA
Next Year Should we do one next year? If so, probably 20 & 21 February Suggestions for Topics & Speakers Volunteers for Planning Committee and Advisory Board I need an Administrator! Chris Banks Sam Bruinsma Laura Cox Bernie Folan Nawin Gupta Rob Johnson Phill Jones Gabriella Karger Peter Lawson
Next Year Registrations OctoberNovemberJanuaryDecemberFeb R2R 2016 Registrations Mark’s Blood Pressure
Next Year Registrations in the past two weeks
Closing 2017 – Probably 20 & 21 February put the date in your calendars now! That means registering on about 1 November Please hand in both your Survey Responses at the door See you at Scholarly Social Lord John Russell, 96 Marchmount Street Thank you
Researcher to Reader February 2016 BMA House, London