Managing Calgary’s Water Supply. Calgary also gets its drinking water from the Bow River. This water is treated at the Bearspaw Water Treatment Facility.


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Presentation transcript:

Managing Calgary’s Water Supply

Calgary also gets its drinking water from the Bow River. This water is treated at the Bearspaw Water Treatment Facility in NW Calgary. Calgary gets some of its drinking water from the Elbow River, which runs into the Glenmore Reservoir. This water is treated at the Glenmore Water Treatment Facility.

Your Drinking Water… From River to Tap Activity 1: Take a Tour of Calgary’s water treatment system: –draw a simple flow diagram showing the 6 main steps water goes through between the Elbow River to your tap –label and BRIEFLY explain each step – be sure to put it in your own words! CLICK DIAGRAM for info

Waste Water Treatment Where does waste water go once it leaves your house? How is it treated? Activity 2 – List and briefly describe the 8 steps your wastewater goes through before it is returned to the environment. CLICK PHOTO FOR INFO

How Clean is Your Drinking Water? Microbiological organisms are found naturally in water. Some organisms that cause health problems for humans are: –E. coli –Gardia –Cryptosporidium These organisms cannot be seen or tasted!

Activity 3 – create an information table that shows –each of the 3 organisms –how water gets contaminated with the organism (source) –what happens to people who drink contaminated water (symptoms) –how the water can be treated to get rid of the organism (treatment) Click on these Icons for useful websites or do your own web search

Check it Out How good is your water knowledge? Click Above to take the Water Quiz. But don’t worry… its only for fun!

All Finished? … Play the Watershed Game Click on the Icon … or Watch A Video Wastewater Treatment Drinking Water Treatment Click on the Camera