Chemical Waste An Introduction
Chemical Waste 2 UofM, DESH You can be held criminally liable for misrepresenting the contents of your waste and improper disposal. So, learn about the chemical. Online Chemical Waste Registry – DCC code
Chemical Waste DCC (Drum Designator Code): 2 numbers and 2 letters UofM, DESH ## XX Hazard class codeDisposal type code
Chemical Waste DCC (Drum Designator Code): 2 numbers and 2 letters UofM, DESH ## NH Disposal type code If disposal code is NH, then the chemical can be disposed of as non- hazardous waste (trash or sink). Complete form (Permission to dispose by trash or sewer) before disposing If a chemical does not have the "xxNH" nonhazardous designation, then it is considered hazardous and must not be disposed of by evaporation, sewer or trash.
Chemical Waste DCC (Drum Designator Code): UofM, DESH Hazard class code For all hazardous chemicals (not ## NH) -Segregate by hazard class code (##) -Liquids (with secondary containment) -Solid waste containers. Keep ‘em separated: -Acids and bases -Flammable liquids, organic peroxides, and oxidizers. -Oxidizers (chlorates, permanganates, peroxides, nitrates) separate from organic materials. -Water-reactive, not with water
Chemical Waste Properly label the bottles UofM, DESH 1.Attach the label with start date to the bottle as soon as the bottle is started. Add fill date when bottle is full. 2.Keep track of what is added. All solvents, including water in solutions and sludges, must be recorded. The ledger must be kept next to the container. 3.Bottles must be kept capped and stored in secondary containment. 4.When submitting for disposal, the following information must be recorded on both the label and waste packing form: components and their percentages, pH, presence of precipitate. x
Chemical Waste What is wrong here? No covers!