The Flat Stanley Project By Rebecca Stern
Table of Contents Mr. Stanley’s Story Short video about Mr. Stanley Project Description Timeline Expectations
Flat Stanley’s Story Poor Stanley. He's a perfectly normal boy until one morning he wakes up flat. After his parents peel the incriminating bulletin board off of him, Stanley must adjust to life as a pancake. He is a boy who takes this kind of thing in stride, though, and soon he's enjoying the advantages of squashedness. Sliding under closed doors is fun, and it's gratifying to be of use to his mother when she drops her ring through a narrow metal grating. Expensive plane fare to California? No problem. Svelte Stanley folds comfortably into a brown paper envelope. There's even room left over in there for an egg-salad sandwich. But Stanley's true moment of glory comes when a gang of thieves begins stealing paintings from the Famous Museum of Art.
Project Description The book Flat Stanley Flat Stanley’s travels (video) Creative Writing using adjectives Let’s blog about Flat Stanley
Timeline Week 1- Get to know your Flat Stanley, begin brainstorming in your journal about where to take Flat Stanley. Choose a friend or relative to babysit Mr. Stanley and get their address. Week 2- Begin documenting Flat Stanley’s fun! Don’t forget to take pictures, and keep track of Flat Stanley’s adventures in your journal. Send Flat Stanley away in an envelope to friend or relative. Week 3- Set up your blog account and submit your draft journal writings to be reviewed. Begin uploading pictures and adding adjectives to your writing to enhance it, keep taking Flat Stanley on adventures. Week 4- Finish submitting work to be reviewed. Finish uploading pictures and words to your blog, check-in with teacher for any revisions.
Expectations Your Flat Stanley will visit at least 10 places Your Flat Stanley must travel at least 1 time via mail to a friend or relative You must correspond about this travel via Document Flat Stanley’s next big adventure with pictures Journal write about the advantages and restrictions of being Flat Stanley Use adjectives to describe a person, place or thing Blog about Flat Stanley using adjectives
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