I can order food and drinks. I can say which food and drinks I prefer. DICTÉE TOMORROW PAGES 45 AND 49 Today, we are going to Review basic foods and drinks Talk about the foods that we prefer Listen and understand
I can identify basic food and drink items. I can express hunger and thirst. I can express preferences. QUIZ TOMORROW LESSON 3A AND 3B Today, we are going to Spell basic food and drink items Watch and understand a video clip Review for our quiz tomorrow
I can demonstrate mastery of expressing hunger, thirst and preferences in foods and drinks. Today, we are going to complete a presentational writing assessment. BRING BOOKS TOMORROW AND FRIDAY
I can talk about money and how much an item costs. I can place my order in a café or restaurant. Today, we are going to Learn about the euro and how to ask the price of an item Talk about how much an item costs Play LOTO
I can place an order in a restaurant. I can determine how to pay for my meal. Today, we are going to Watch and answer questions about a video-clip Complete a listening activity Write about going to a restaurant