1 QTL mapping in mice, completed. Lecture 12, Statistics 246 March 2, 2004
2 REVIEW n backcross mice; M markers in all, with at most a handful expected to be near QTL x ij = genotype (0/1) of mouse i at marker j y i = phenotype (trait value) of mouse i Y i = + ∑ j=1 M j x ij + j Which j 0 ? Variable selection in linear models (regression)
3 Variable selection in linear models: a few generalities There is a huge literature on the selection of variables in linear models. Why? First, if we leave out variables which should be in our model, we risk biasing the parameter estimates of those we include, and our “error” has systematic components, reducing our ability to identify those which should be there. Second, when we includes variables in a model which do not need to be there, we reduce the precision of the estimates of the ones which are there. We need to include all the relevant (perhaps important is a better word), and no irrelevant variables in our model. This is an instance of classic statistical trade-off of bias and variance: too few variables, higher bias; too many, higher variance. The literature contains a host of methods of addressing this problem, known as model or variable selection methods. Some are general, i.e. not just for linear models, e.g. the Akaike information criterion (AIC), the Bayes information criterion (BIC), or cross-validation (CV). Others are specifically designed for linear models, e.g. ridge regression, Mallows’ C p, and the lasso. We don’t have the time to offer a thorough review of this topic, but we’ll comment on and compare a few approaches.
4 Special features of our problem We have a known joint distribution of the covariates (marker genotypes), and these are (approximately) Markovian We may have lots of missing covariate information, but it can be dealt with….that is, we can effectively use all our data Our aim is to identify the key players (markers), not to minimize prediction error or find the “true model”. Conclusion: Our problem is not a generic linear model selection problem, and this offers the hope that we can do better than we might in general. END REVIEW
5 Finding QTL as model selection (the loci are part of the model) Select class of models Additive models Additive plus pairwise interactions Regression trees Compare models ( ) BIC ( ) = logRSS( )+ ( log n/n) Sequential permutation tests Search model space Forward selection (FS) Backward elimination (BE) FS followed by BE MCMC Assess performance Maximize no QTL found; control false positive rate
6 Model class: additive (linear) models n backcross mice; M markers x ij = genotype (0/1) of mouse i at marker j y i = phenotype (trait value) of mouse i Y i = + ∑ j=1 M j x ij + j The model is characterized by its variable subset = {j : j 0}. We could also include some pairwise interactions of variables (loci) in the model.
7 Another model class: regression trees Tree model: here would include splits on genotypes at specified loci (q 1 etc) and average QT values at tips. Regression trees are good for capturing nonlinearities.
8 Model comparison criteria Within a model class, we want to compare models. One obvious criterion is the residual sum of squares, RSS( ). Exercise. Prove that for a normal linear model, with unknown regression coefficients and error variance, the maximized log-likelihood l max is essentially -(n/2)logRSS( ). However, we know that including more variables reduces the RSS, without necessarily improving the quality of our model: we need a penalty for model size or model complexity. There are many such, and we choose to minimize criteria of the form ( ) = logRSS( ) + | |n -1 D(n) for suitable D(n). The case D(n) = n is called AIC, while D(n) = logn is BIC, and D(n) = loglogn is due to Hannan and Quinn. Under certain assumptions, the last two are consistent estimators of a true model, while AIC tends to overfit under the same assumptions. It has different optimality properties. For finding QTL, we prefer BIC, but use D(n) = logn, which we call BIC , with > 1.
9 Model comparison: a Bayesian approach We could place prior probabilities on each of the possible models, as well as the model parameters, and use Bayes’ theorem to calculate the posterior probability of the models given the data. It would make good sense (for a non-Bayesian!) to choose the model with the maximum posterior probability. Assume y | , , 2 ~ N(X , 2 ), and use the priors ~ N(0, c 2 (X ‘X ) -1 ), and p( 2 | ) 1/ 2, while for the model itself, assume p( ) (c/d) | |/2. Now let c (a diffuse improper prior), and integrate out and 2. The resulting posterior distribution for satisfies -(2/n) log p( |y) = logRSS( ) + | |n -1 logd. This is just our general criterion with D(n) = d, which provides further support for it. However, the only real justification for it is its performance. Exercise. Derive the expression involving p( |y) just given.
10 Sequential permutation tests Let’s begin by seeing how permutation tests are applied in this context, an idea first put forward by Churchill & Doerge. Mouse i has phenotype y i and marker data m i. To test the null hypothesis of no association between phenotype and marker data, we can simply de-couple the two: create many sets of pseudo-data by choosing a random permutation of the labels {1,.., n}, and forming pairs (y i, m (i) ), i = 1,…n. To assign p-values to LOD scores, say, we would compare the value for the observed data to the set of values obtained for (say) 1,000 sets of pseudo-data obtained in this way. As always, the question of significance levels arises, as does the issue of multiple testing. At least for the genome-wide calculation of LOD scores, permutation testing gives a neat solution: simply repeat on the pseudo- data whatever multiple testing one does with the actual data (e.g. taking the genome wide maximum LOD). For model selection, permutation tests are carried out to assess the significance associate with adding or dropping a variable. Fixed significance levels are typically used, e.g. 0.05, with no corrections for multiple testing.
11 Some methods for model search Forward selection (FS): selects the variable not in the model which provides the greatest reduction in the penalty function (with a rule for making no change). Rejecting at a fixed significance level is usually adopted. Called “greedy” by computer scientists. Backwards elimination (BE): eliminates the variable whose removal makes the smallest increase in the penalty function (with a rule for making no change). Again, the use of a fixed significance level is standard. FS followed by BE: deliberately overfit, then prune back. We need suitable parameters to implement this approach. Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC): provides a way of moving around the class of all models, selecting new or eliminating existing variables according to a stochastic rule. Eventually, we can choose as the preferred model, the one which minimizes the criterion function among all those models visited. A Bayesian would compute empirical posterior probabilities using the series of models visited.
12 We like BIC : why? For a fixed number of markers, letting n , BIC is consistent There exists a prior (on models + coefficients) for which BIC is the -log posterior BIC is essentially equivalent to use of a threshold on the conditional LOD score It performs well
13 Choice of Larger : include more loci, higher false positive rate Smaller : include fewer loci; lower false positive rate Let L = 95% genome-wide LOD threshold (comparing single QTL models to the null model) Choose = 2 L/log 10 n. With this choice of , in the absence of QTL, we’ll include at least one extraneous locus, 5% of the time.
14 Simulations comparing strategies Backcross with n = 250 No crossover interference 9 chromosomes, each 100cM Markers at 10cM spacing; complete genotype data 7 QTL, equal effects One pair in coupling (same sign) -One pair in repulsion (opp. sign) -Three unlinked QTL Heritability 50% (env var 1.0) 2,000 simulated replicates
15 Methods compared ANOVA at marker loci Composite interval mapping (CIM) Forward selection with permutation tests Forward selection with BIC Backward elimination with BIC FS followed by BE with BIC MCMC with BIC
16 Methods, some detail ANOVA at marker loci: essentially 2 sample t-tests, with marker genotype defined groups, used simulated genome-wide threshold Composite interval mapping (CIM): described on next slide Forward selection with permutation tests (1,000 perms, =0.05) Forward selection to 25 markers, with BIC Backward elimination, starting from the full model, with BIC FS to 25 markers, followed by BE, with BIC MCMC for 1,000 moves with BIC More details and results for other sample sizes can be found in Broman & Speed, JRSSB, 2002.
17 Composite interval mapping Here an initial subset S of markers is chosen to control for background variation. Then, as in conventional interval mapping, a genome-wide scan is carried out, at each locus testing the hypothesis that a QTL at that locus need not be added to the existing model, against the alternative that it should be added. Markers in S in close proximity to the current locus (e.g. 10cM) are excluded. As in standard interval mapping, LOD scores are computed, and the result plotted. Regions where the LOD exceeds a suitable genome-wide threshold C are thought to contain QTL. Here we simulated to get C. A key question is: how many markers should there be in the initial subset S, and how should they be chosen. There is no sharp answer to this question. We used 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11.
24 Conclusions from the simulation The BIC methods performed pretty well, best with MCMC, though only slightly better than FS. FS with permutation tests had fewer extraneous than FS with BIC. The CIM ones didn’t do so well, except when the # of variables was 7, though their rate of extraneous loci was quite low. ANOVA was quite poor, in relative terms.
25 Selective genotyping The idea here is to genotype only animlas in the high and low extremes of the phenotypic distribution, but including the phenotypes (without genotypes) of the remainder in the analysis. This involves some loss of power, though not much if the % not genotyped isn’t large. Two issues: why would we include phenotypes of animals not genotyped, and how would we do that. To make the point, we compare: Strategy A: Analyse all genotypes and all phenotypes Strategy B: Analyse all phenotypes, but include genotypes only for individuals in the extremes of the phenotypic distribution Strategy C: Analyse genotypes and phenotypes only for individuals in the extremes of the phenotypic distribution Exercise. Write down the likelihoods in all three cases.
26 Selective genotyping in a BC
27 Some simulation results The slides that follow are for a hypothetical F 2 intercross with 150 individual mice, a set of 150 markers quite similar to those of our NOD B6 cross, comparing 3 analysis strategies: A: analyse both genotypes and phenotypes for all mice B: analyse phenotypes for all mice, but only genotypes for the phenotypically extreme mice, correctly incorporating the other genotypes as missing C: analyse genotypes and phenotypes for phenotypically extreme mice only, and not saying so.
28 Type I error for given genome-wide LOD thresholds Conclusion: strategy C needs a different genome-wide threshold.
29 Power for a given QTL effect Solid: strategy A; Dashed: strategy B, with 50% genotyped
30 Power for a given proportion not genotyped Solid: strategy A, Dashed: strategy B with = Proportion not genotyped
31 Summary QTL mapping is a model selection problem Key issue: the comparison of models Large scale simulations are important More refined procedures do not necessarily give improved results BIC with forward selection followed by backward elimination works quite well Real savings to be made by genotyping only extremes phenotypically
32 Acknowledgements Karl Broman, Johns Hopkins Nusrat Rabbee, UCB