STRESS The reaction of the body & mind to challenges Stressors Cause a response (roller coaster) Physical, Mental & Emotional responses
Stress Reactions Alarm Resistance - Fight or Flight Reflex system (flinch, hot) Hormonal system (chemical messenger)
Reactions for Stressors cont. Resistance Controls release of adrenaline (superpowers) Increase in heart rate & respiration Hair stands on end Blood vessels in the stomach & intestines constrict (sending more blood to the extremities) Muscles tighten
Reactions for Stressors cont. Fatigue – tired feeling that lowers the activity Physical – affects the muscles Psychological – affects the mind Pathological – affects the immune system
STRESS Psychosomatic- mind controlling the body Psycho = mind soma = body Placebo = “nothing” pill
STRESS Body language – hidden feelings- deny the truth Headaches High blood pressure Digestive problems acne
STRESS Treatment Talk about the problem Accept physical, mental & emotional limits Sleep enough (8 hours) Express your emotions positively Eat healthy