Attention Deficit Disorder. 4 What are ADD and ADHD? 4 How are they Treated?
What is Attention Deficit/Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)? 4 The main feature of ADHD is a long standing history of inattention and hyperactivity in a child that is beyond what a average child at the same age displays.
Symptoms of ADHD. 4 Symptoms of ADHD are broken down into three categories: 4 Inattention 4 Hyperactivity 4 Impulsivity.
4 avoids tasks that require concentration 4 loses objects needed to finish tasks 4 easily distracted 4 forgetful
4 Hyperactive symptoms may include: 4 fidgets 4 leaves seat in class, at dinner, etc 4 restlessness 4 difficulty in playing or leisure activities 4 energised 4 talks excessively
4 Impulsive symptoms may be: 4 speaks out in class 4 trouble waiting their turn 4 interrupts
Treatment. 4 Treatment of ADHD consists of: 4 Medication 4 Individual and Family therapy