Fronts & Symbols Weather Unit Seventh Grade Science.


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Presentation transcript:

Fronts & Symbols Weather Unit Seventh Grade Science

Air Mass A large body of air with similar characteristics

Front A boundary between air masses

Warm Front Where a fast moving warm air mass pushes a slow moving cold air mass The warm air mass moves over the cold air mass Symbol - The bumps face the direction the air mass is moving

Cold Front Where a fast moving cold air mass pushes a slow moving warm air masses The warm air mass moves over the cold air mass Symbol - The bumps face the direction the air mass is moving

Stationary Front Where warm and cold air masses meet, but neither one moves over the other Clouds often form along the boundary Symbol - Bumps on side of the warm air mass and triangles on the side of the cold air mass

Occluded Front A warm air mass is caught between two cooler air masses Often the site of severe weather Symbol - Symbols shown on the side the air is moving

Pressure Symbols For areas of high and low pressureH High – usually clear skies L Low – commonly cloudy skies