Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) The Information Backbone to transform the Logistics Enterprise Some suggestions for the PLCS OASIS TC / Implementers forum. Trine Hansen, DNV Rob Bodington, Eurostep
2 Role of PLCS OASIS - Implementers forum OASIS PLCS TC PLCS Implementers forum Develop & Provide standard to be tested: P28 Templates/DEXs/Ref Data/AP239 Usage guidance Test and provide feedback on standard for improvement Joint development of Test cases. I.e. Data + Ref Data
PLCS OASIS requirements on Implementers forum 1. The PLCS OASIS TC should develop & provide the implementers forum with the standard components to be tested: 1. P28/P21 2. Templates 3. Ref Data 4. DEXs 5. Question … should the components being tested be already a standard? 2. The implementers forum should test the templates / ref data / P28 / DEX / as specified in the PLCS OASIS TC The testing should focus on verifying interoperability using the standard components Use experience from CAX IF and earlier PLCS interoperability testing (e.g. DNV, Eurostep, EPM, LSC) Start small to get the basics right. I.e. To ensure consistent use of P28, Ref Data, templates Extend out to more complex data and real world test cases The implementers forum and the TC should jointly develop set of test data to be used to ensure agreed usage of data The implementers forum decide how to test … e.g. round robin exchanges 3. The PLCS OASIS TC should respond to feedback from implementers forum and consider modifying standard components accordingly and push through the ballot process. 3
Some suggestions 1. Implementers forum (IF) should be open to all – not just PLCS OASIS TC members 2. Reduce barriers to participation. Free to participate 3. IF should focus on interoperability between tools 4. Any quality checking software should be software vendor neutral 5. Test results should be confidential to IF 4