game chromatic number
game chromatic number of G in the game Alice plays first the game Bob plays first game chromatic number of G in
Question. AliceBob 2 1 Alice ?
Question. AliceBob 1 1 Alice 2 Bob 2
Theorem. (Faigle et al.) (Kierstead and Trotter) Theorem. (Zhu) Theorem.
Question Since ? 0
Theorem. (Griggs and Yeh) Conjecture. (Griggs and Yeh) Theorem. (Gonçalves)
L(p,q)-labeling game
Alice plays first Bob plays first
Question. Alice Bob a 2 a +3 0 b Alice a b
Question. Alice Bob a 2 b Note.
Example. Alice 0 Bob 2 Alice plays firstBob plays first 1 3
Example. Alice plays first Alice 2 Bob 0 Alice 4 Bob plays first 1 3 Bob 5
Alice Bob 2 5 Alice 0 Bob 7 Example. Alice plays first
Alice Bob a 5 Alice Bob ? b
Bob plays first 1 Alice 5
Bob plays first Bob Alice 2 b Bob Alice a c
Observation 1. Alice … 7 1 Bob 5 b 0
Observation 2. Alice … 7 Bob 1 5
Theorem vertices, 7 numbers
Question. How to prove this theorem? (Use induction, we already know that
Idea. Alice’s strategy
Idea. Bob’s strategy
Example nd … 4th 1st 6th3rd 5th 7th nd … 1st 4th 3rd 5th
Question. Alice 017 Bob
Bob’s strategy proof. a 27 Alice Bob Alice a 15
proof. Alice’s strategy Alice 16 Bob b Alice Alice 17 Alice c Bob 11 Alice
b 22 Bob 10 proof. Alice’s strategy 16 c 19 1 Bob 2 20 Alice
Note. It is not true that if Alice(resp. Bob) plays first, and at some step, he can move twice, then the smallest number needed to complete the game is less than or equal to(resp. ). For example, but if at the first step, Alice need to move twice, then the smallest number needed to complete this game is 6({0,1,2,…,6}).