ILD LoI (Calorimeter part) 2008/12/14 K. Kawagoe
Expected LOI contents: final wording of IDAG additional requests (1)Detector optimization: identification of the major parameters which drive the total detector cost and its sensitivity to variations of these parameters. (2)Plans for getting the necessary R&D results to transform the design concept into a well-defined detector proposal. (3) Conceptual design and implementation of the support structures and the dead zones in the detector simulation. (4)Sensitivity of different detector components to machine background in the context of the beam parameter space considered in the RDR. (5)Calibration and alignment schemes. (6)Estimates of overall size, weight, and requirements for crane coverage and shielding. (7)Push-pull ability with respect to technical aspects (assembly areas needed, detector transport and connections, time scale) and maintaining the detector performance for a stable and time-efficient operation. (8)A statement about energy coverage, identifying the deterioration of the performance at energies up to 1 TeV and the consequent detector upgrades.
Proposal of Jean-Claude, Based on a TOTAL of 12 pages Introduction on PFA based calorimetry (1 page) – suppose the names of the mail are the good one (Kiyotomo, Felix, Imad and myself) – I would see here the R&D needed and the CALICE organization per project (who is doing what) and the expected test beam plan (Is it possible for you Felix,(as spokesperson of CALICE) to write a first draft of that part) Mechanics (3 pages ) Resp: including (as Felix said), structure and specificity of each technology option – For ECAL Si and Scint. : Marc Anduze – For AHCAL : – For DHCAL : VFE and FE (DIF) (1 page) Resp: – For ECAL (both Si and Scint., if Kiyotomo agrees) : Julien, Remi and Bart – For AHCAL : Ludovic and Mathias – For DHCAL : ??? (not Julie, since LAPP is not in ILD ) please Imad give us a name DAQ(1 page) Resp Valeria (for LDA-ODR), Vincent (for DHCAL) TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS (1.5 page per option) – ECAL silicon – tungsten :Resp: Remi, Roman (1page, essentially on silicon wafers, long slab ASU) – ECAL scintillator – tungsten :Resp : Tohru, Kiyotomo, Satoru – HCAL sctinillator :Resp – DHCAL gas : Resp
Technology-specific sections (From Felix) Dear Jean-Claude, Kiyotomo, Imad, Technology-specific sections, each with a different structure, example here for AHCAL Si ECAL Sci ECAL Sci HCAL – active layer overview, integration scheme – scintillators, photo-sensors – PCB integration – calibration methods, calibration system – cabling, services and detector integration – technology-specific R&D issues DHCAL Technology-specific sections, each with a different structure, example here for AHCAL Si ECAL Sci ECAL Sci HCAL active layer overview, integration scheme scintillators, photo-sensors PCB integration calibration methods, calibration system cabling, services and detector integration technology-specific R&D issues DHCAL FE Electronics to be worked out by Julien ASICs, analogue, digital, trigger, power, packaging, testing, R&D
Supplement: 担当 (2) これまでの結果をふまえた R&D の将来計画 ( 魚住がリスト案を作 る ) - MPPC - scintillator production - simulation の確立(データと合わせる) (4) 情報収集(竹下) (5)MIP calibration( 信州 ) LED calibration( 神戸 ) (8) ストリップクラスタリングについては小寺さん そのうえで、これまでの R&D で確立された点、有利な点などを強 調するようにする。 あとは、 SiW や AHCAL との議論。こちらからコンタクトした方がよい。