Unit Six Block Six Lecture Roman Innovations
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An Invention is when a person or civilization creates something new An innovation is when a person or civilization takes something that already exists and makes it better For example, the Greeks invented the concept of direct democracy, but the Romans turned that idea into representative democracy First mobile phone I Phone Click me
The Forum is the heart of commerce, business, and administration of justice The Pantheon (118 to 125 CE/AD) is a temple at the center of the Forum The Coliseum (80 CE/AD) or Flavian Amphitheatre is the largest type of this building in the world Roman arches are structurally superior to previous arches Corinthian Columns are architecturally advanced compared to Greek Columns Click Here
Ptolemy (90 to 168 CE/AD) is a Roman astronomer who set forth that the Earth was the center of the universe Roman roads were large all weather roads built to promote safe travel and built to last (see last class) Aqueducts provided a clean source of water from distant sources to the City of Rome and also took the polluted water out of the city (yuck!) Click me Good try … but very wrong
Rome Establishes the first formal medical schools in western civilization Rome creates of a public water system where people drink clean water and wastewater is sent out of the city Roman public baths allow for daily bathing and are heated by giant furnaces Click me Clean, not nasty, back in the day!
Latin is the root of all romance languages and the language of the Catholic Church (here we go with Christianity) Virgil writes the Aeneid, the story of a Trojan who travels to the Italian Peninsula and becomes a Roman ancestor (29 to 19 BCE/BC) Click Here “She approves of the undertakings?” huh? “New order of the ages”? C’mon dollar bill makers!
The Twelve Tables are expanded during the Roman Empire (originally Greek law dealt with citizenship and the rule of law) Roman Innovations in the law include: ◦ Everyone is innocent until proven otherwise. ◦ Everyone has the right to defend themselves in front of a judge. ◦ The judge must take every piece of evidence into consideration. Click Here These are our basic legal principles today!
Click Here Innovation - Roman mythology adopts aspects of multiple conquered religions (including Greece) Revolution - Christianity will overtake Roman civilization ◦ Christianity is first outlawed in Rome (example, Paul executed 62 CE/AD) ◦ Christianity is accepted in Rome when Emperor Constantine converts and recognizes the church in 313 CE/AD ◦ Christianity is adopted as the official Roman imperial religion by Emperor Theodosius I in 380 CE/AD This guy is going to change everything!