Conservation of Biodiversity Chapter 18
Modern Conservation Legacies 1872 Yellowstone National Park: 1 st National Park designated by Ulysses Grant Roosevelt: 230 million acres into federal protection. 2009: Obama designated 200,000 sq miles of Alaska coastline critical habitat for polar bears. 2006: Bush set aside 215 million acres of marine habitat as protected.
Why Protect Biodiversity?? Provisions: Food Medicine Building Materials Regulating: Carbon sinks Support Pollination of crops Intrinsic values
Current Overall Biodiversity: High!!
6 th Mass Extinction Extinction: when the last member of a species dies. In the past 500 million yrs there have been 5 mass extinctions, we are currently in the 6 th. Experiencing 50,000 species extinctions per year (.5 % of the world’s species). Happening over a short period of time, first to occur since humans have been on Earth, human cause : (
6 th Mass Extinction
Global Declines in the Genetic Diversity Populations with low genetic diversity are not suited to environmental change. Inbreeding depression: relatives breed with each other and offspring cannot survive and reproduce. Recessive alleles. High genetic diversity ensures that a wider range of genotypes are present and more likely to survive an environment change.
Examples: Cheetah: population botttleneck 10,000 years ago, reduced genetic diversity. Panther (mountain lion, cougar): once ranged over much of North America. Habitat destruction and posed threat to humans decreased the population.
Which groups are most threatened? The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) uses these categories for species status. Extinct (EX) - No individuals remaining. Extinct in the Wild (EW) - Known only to survive in captivity, or as a naturalized population outside its historic range. Critically Endangered (CR) - Extremely high risk of extinction in the wild. Endangered (EN) - High risk of extinction in the wild. Vulnerable (VU) - High risk of endangerment in the wild. Near Threatened (NT) - Likely to become endangered in the near future. Least Concern (LC) - Lowest risk. Does not qualify for a more at risk category. Widespread and abundant taxa are included in this category.
Global Declines in the Genetic Diversity of Crops and Livestock Genetic diversity among crops and livestock has significantly decreased. Endangered: at serious risk of extinction. Out of 200 breeds of domesticated animals 80% of these are either declining or facing extinction.
Many animal breeds have gone extinct due to selective breeding.
Plants have decreased genetic diversity as well. Less biodiversity leaves plants open to the risk of going extinct if the biotic or abiotic environment changes. Seed banks! Svalbard Global Seed Vault.
Global Declines in Species Diversity Extinct: Existed before but no longer do. Threatened: high risk of extinction in the future. Near-Threatened: very likely to become threatened in the future. Least Concern: species are widespread and abundant.
Of the estimated 10 million species only about 50,000 have be assessed. 21% of birds, 32% of mammals, and 49% of amphibians are currently classified as threatened or near-threatened with extinction. 1/3 of all reptiles, fish and invertebrates are threatened with extinction. 1/4 of plant species are threatened.
What is driving extinctions? HIPPCO Habitat loss Invasive species Pollution Population Climate change Overharvesting
Declining Biodiversity Causes H.I.P.C.O. Habitat Loss Greatest cause of loss of species. Most species live within specific biotic and abiotic ranges. Smaller areas to live present problems. Example: Brown Headed Cow Bird
Fragmentation Causes edge effects Patches = too small to support large species Barriers to dispersal between patches
Frag-mentation of Wisconsin Land
HIPPCO Invasive Species Native Species: live in their historical range. Exotic/Invasive Species: species that live outside of their historical range. Examples: Zebra Mussel, Silver Carp, Kudzu Vine, etc.
Fig a, p. 234 Deliberately Introduced Species Purple loosestrife European starling African honeybee (“Killer bee”) Nutria Salt cedar (Tamarisk) European wild boar (Feral pig) Marine toad (Giant toad) Water hyacinth Japanese beetle Hydrilla
An Invasive Vine (Kudzu)
Zebra Mussel
Fig b, p. 234 Gypsy moth larvae Accidentally Introduced Species Sea lamprey (attached to lake trout) Argentina fire ant Brown tree snake Eurasian ruffe Common pigeon (Rock dove) Formosan termite Zebra mussel Asian long-horned beetle Asian tiger mosquito
Exotic Species recorded in the countries of Iceland, Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Denmark.
HIPPCO Pollution Water pollution. Air pollution. Pesticides, heavy metals, acids, oil spills. Endocrine disruptors, lead, NO x, SO 2,. Nutrients cause algal blooms and dead zones. Thermal pollution, noise pollution.
HIPPCO Population World population currently at 7.3 Billion
HIPPCO Climate Change Patterns of temperature and precipitation are changing. Some species may be able to migrate while others will not.
Global Warming may become the leading cause of species loss in the future.
HIPCO Overharvesting Individuals are removed faster than they can be replenished. Examples: Do Do Bird, Mammoths, North and South American camel. More recent: American Bison (75 million down to 1000), Passenger pigeon
Overhunting Remains a Major Threat -Poaching -Sport hunting -Predator/pest eradication (WOLVES ARE IN TROUBLE!) -Overfishing
Fig , p. 241
Overfishing Fishing methods kill many non-target species 34% fish at risk Biggest problems = –Europe (86% risk) –Asia (69% at risk)
Harvesting Corals Coral collection destabilizes reefs and decreases habitat
Effects of Whaling
Harvesting Tropical Fish Cyanide for fish-colllecting Only 1 out of every 5 fish collected makes it to the store alive.
Plant and Animal Trade Lacey Act 1900: Forbids the interstate shipping of all illegally harvested plants and animals. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) 1973: Controls the International trade of threatened plants and animals. Red List: list of threatened species.
Conservation Marine Mammal Protection Act 1972: prohibits the killing of all marine mammals in the US and prohibits the import or export of any body parts. Endangered Species Act 1973: Implements CITES. The US Fish and Wildlife Service determines which species are endangered and regulates. Purchases land that is critical to species survival. Maintains endangered lists. Some have been taken off: Bald Eagle, Bison, Gray Whale
Convention on Biological Diversity Created in 1992, international effort. Has not met its goals Trends Species still going extinct. ¼ plants species still threatened with extinction. Natural habitats becomes smaller. Genetic diversity of crops still declining. Widespread loss of ecosystem function. Ecological footprint of humans has increased. Causes of biodiversity loss have increased or remained the same.
Protecting Entire Ecosystems Biodiversity hotspots. Amount of protected land has increased! Island biogeography: large areas closer to “mainlands” are more biologically diverse. Used to determine what type of areas to protect. Metapopulations: collection of smaller populations connected by corridors.
Single large or several small (SLOSS) is the question! Several small increases the amount of “edge habitat”. Edge Habitat: where 2 different types of communities come together.
Biosphere Reserves Biosphere Reserves are protected areas that have zones with varying human impact. Currently 564 biosphere reserves worldwide with 47 in the US Big Bend National Park in Texas.