What is a central idea? The central idea is the central, unifying element of the story, which ties together all of the other elements of fiction used by the author to tell the story. The central idea can be best described as the dominant impression or the universal, generic truth found in the story. Hmm, that sounds like theme!
How to come up with your thesis statement In your opening paragraph, you should include a thesis statement that clearly states: The central idea Your view on it How its used in the text. Example: Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, demonstrates human nature as innately corrupt and savage. This central idea is substantiated through his use of symbolism, characterization, and theme. CENTRAL IDEA HOW IT’S USED IN THE TEXT
DO NOW: Come up with your thesis statement on human nature in Lord of the Flies.
Opening Paragraphs Your opening paragraph should: Introduce your topic Create interest for the reader Provide your thesis statement/central idea Preview your essay
DO NOW: Write your opening paragraph for your analytical essay on Lord of the Flies.
WELL DEVELOPED PARAGRAPHS INCLUDE: CO: A conclusion sentence(s) o Wrap up the main point of your paragraph I: An introduction to a quote o Every time you use a quote it should be introduced o How does the quote you’re going to use relate to the TS? o This can be 1-2 sentences C: Cite a quote/ piece of text evidence E: Explain the quote in your own words (1-2 sentences) TS: A strong topic sentence(s) that provide the focus for the paragraph o This can be 1-2 sentences ICE, ICE BABY
Golding employs the use of symbolism throughout the novel to demonstrate the innate nature of the both the boys and society at large. One recurrent symbol is the beast; although it doesn’t physically exist, it becomes an idea that constantly appears when the boys transition from civilized to savage. Through the duration of the story, the boys fear the beast, although it is themselves that they should be fearing. Simon, however, is the only boy that realizes this when he imagines the beast saying “You knew, didn’t you? I’m a part of you” and then again when as he hears it say “Fancy thinking the beast was something you could hunt and kill” (Golding 200). Sample Body Paragraph TS I C
This severed head of the sow, although not really speaking to Simon, tells him that the beast cannot be killed because it lives within each of them. The beast that the boys should fear is their own human nature. The idea of the beast, along with the physical representation of the sow’s head on the stick, serves as a powerful symbol to represent the barbaric aspects of human nature that lives inside each boy on the island, and from Golding’s perspective, each one of us. E CO
DO NOW: Begin working on your 1 st paragraph.
Conclusion Paragraphs Your conclusion paragraph should be strong, as it is your last chance to make an impression on the reader. You should not introduce any new information in your conclusion paragraph, but instead sum up everything you’ve written. Conclusion paragraphs should: Restate the thesis statement Summarize the three body paragraphs Leave your reader with a lasting final impression