Nazi Propaganda DBQ SIN #28 SWBAT: Analyze Nazi Propaganda leading to WWII. Defend this statement: Adolf Hitler did not show signs of being evil in his young adult life. Provide evidence to support this argument. Warm-up
Art, Literature, Technology SIN #30 SWBAT: Describe the new examples of art, literature, and technology of the period. Read Ch 13 Section 5 Summary and answer the following questions in your notebook. Do NOT write on the handout Reading Check 1. Review Questions 2. Warm-up
Nazi Germany under Hitler SIN #29 Nazi Germany under Hitler SWBAT: Analyze Hitler’s rise to power in Nazi Germany..
German Worker’s Party As an extreme nationalist and racist, Hitler believed in the need for struggle Joined the German Workers Party in 1919- an extreme nationalist group 1921 renamed it the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi)
Party Platform Don’t write just read Hitler drafted a platform of 25 points Revoke Versailles Treaty Revoke civil rights of Jews Confiscate any war profits
Beer Hall Putsch October 30, 1923 Hitler held a rally in Munich beer hall and declared revolution Led 2,000 men in an armed uprising against government It failed and Hitler was imprisoned with treason
Trial and Jail Don’t write just read At his trial (Hitler was charged with treason), he used the opportunity to speak about the NAZI platform and spread his popularity. The whole nation suddenly knew who Adolf Hitler was and what he stood for He was sentenced to five years, but actually only served about 9 months When he left prison, he was ready to go into action again.
Mein Kampf Hitler’s book “My Struggle” - wrote while in jail Sold 5 million copies, made him rich Topics included: - Jews were evil (anti-Semitism) - Germans were “Master race” - nationalism - Lebensraum (right of superior nations to gain living space through expansion)
Legal Rise to Power Used popularity from failed revolution and book to seize power LEGALLY Spoke to mass audiences about making Germany a great nation again Nazi Party: 1930 = 18% of vote 1932 = 30% of vote Hitler becomes Chancellor in 1933
Campaign against Jews Nuremberg Laws: took away citizenship for Jews, prohibited from inter-marriage, segregated jobs Kristallnacht “Night of Broken Glass”- Nov 9/10, 1938 Nazi led mobs attacked Jewish communities all over Germany Stop: Don’t write - beat up Jews - robbed houses/stores - set fire to Jewish buildings - destroyed communities - caused terror and violence - 91 Jews killed, 30,000 sent to camps
The Fuhrer - “Leader” Began building a new Germany, Third Reich, and launched public works programs to give people jobs Nazi’s legally brought institutions under their control creating a totalitarian state (education, religion, art, culture, book burnings) First concentration camps set up in 1933 for people who opposed new regime All political parties except Nazi were abolished
Used SS (black shirts) and Gestapo (Nazi storm troopers) as secret police force 1934 Hitler became ruler of Germany, the Enabling Act allowed him to ignore the constitution for 4 years. Yet Hitler’s rise to power was completely LEGAL!!
THE END .......................Until the start of World War II
Homework- Nazi Totalitarian State chart SIN #29 cont. Use textbook pages 481-483
Appeal of Hitler Germany was in the midst of an economic depression with inflation, 6 million unemployed Hitler was a WW I hero who talked about bringing glory back to the “Fatherland” Focus on national pride, honor, and traditional militarism appealed to people Constantly blamed Jews for Germany’s problems, not the German people. Hitler was an excellent public speaker. Kristallnacht documentary video part 3- Start at 2:50