SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA International Trade in Services UNCTAD-UEMOA project Viviane MWITIREHE In charge of the project 12 Feb 2016
1. Presentation of UEMOA 2. Back ground & Presentation of the project 3. Where we are 4. Plan of Activities Beyond Conclusion SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA Plan
UEMOA (WAEMU) created in Jan 1994; in Dakar (Sngl); Mission: realize economic integration of members States; Currently made of eight countries (Bénin, Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, Guinée-Bissau, Mali, Niger, Sénégal & Togo); Head Quarter located in Ouagadougou/Burkina Faso; Representative offices the other 7 countries; Bound by the use of single common currency (FCFA) managed by a Central Bank Headquarter in Dakar (BCEAO), with National Agencies in each member state. 1. Presentation of UEMOA 1/4 SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA
Some indicators of the zone Area : 3,511,278 km 2 (2015) Population : 111 million (2015) Population annual growth rate : 2.4% (2015) Density of the population : inhabitants/Km 2 (2015) Nominal GDP (in billion FCFA) : 44,508.6 (2014) SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 1. Presentation of UEMOA 2/4
Some indicators of the zone Annual Inflation rate : 1.5% (2014) GDP Growth : 5.7% (2014) Nominal GDP per capita : (000 FCFA) (2014) UEMOA statistics Centre operational since 2013 With the objective of availing necessary data to make sound public policies SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 1. Presentation of UEMOA 3/4
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 1. Presentation of UEMOA 4/4 On international trade, data on goods well developed, but services not yet Within the Stat Centre’s mandate →to extend the existing data to international trade-in-services A convention for the project execution was signed with UNCTAD
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 2. Back ground & presentation of the project 1/2 Main objective: Construct an operational framework for production of data on international trade in services in UEMOA following international standards Evaluate current status of trade in services in UEMOA member States; Prepare project Act for production of stat on international trade-in-services for UEMOA;
Prepare instruments to collect data on international trade- in-services (questionnaires); Prepare a capacity building Plan document; Put in place a database instrument for the statistics on international trade-in-services SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 2. Back ground & presentation of the project 2/2
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 3. Where we are 1/2 The evaluation of current status of trade in services within member states conducted; A positive element noted: many structures in charge of different categories of services; A strong willingness of the structures to contribute to the production of the statistics on international trade in services;
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 3. Where we are 2/2 The synthetic report of the evaluation missions shared with member States for observations (january 2016); Feedback expected during this first half of February 2016; Draft terms of reference for IT recruitment, discussed with UEMOA to start preparations for the database.
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 4. Plan of activities (2016) Main Objective: Conduct a pilote phase of data collection. Currently, working on: The questionnaires; Data collection methodology; Organize data collection teams at countries level; Training on data collection & processing instruments Training on data treatment using real data collected; To ease the understanding of the computer software.
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA Questionnaires The questionnaires are not yet finalized But they have 2 main parts: Part specific to the concerned service & part for other sces 2 main providers of information: Private profit making companies & Public institutions 2 catégories of partners: UEMOA member States & Non UEMOA countries
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA Data collection methodology (1/3) Need identification already made Coordination of activities/Statistical offices of countries Data collection instruments (under construction) List of companies & sectors of activities/Statistical offices Sampling to be based on turnovers NSO already requested to designate the unit in charge
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA Data collection methodology (2/3) Training of trainers/UNCTAD; Activities execution budget validation /UEMOA; Questionnaires administration/Stat Offices; Data entry & treatment/Stat Offices-UNCTAD; Evaluation note of the collection/Stat Offices; All the required financing of activities /done through the project.
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA Construction of data collection teams NSO are coordinating the activity at country level; A unit in charge to be identified within the NSO offices; Request to communicate name of the unit already sent; The unit to work with peers to form the team in charge; But discussions on financing needs for the continuity beyond the project phase is important & needed.
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA Planning of training on data collection & treatment Data collection methodology under finalisation; Questionnaires under preparation; NSO will be updating the list of companies to be visited; NSO to prepare the draft budget of activities; UEMOA to validate & request the project to finance; Training for data collection will be based on questionnaires; Training on data treatment to be done with real data.
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 5. Beyond 2016 Production of results of pilote phase; Organization & execution of extended survey; Preparation of project regulatory framework; Preparation of capacity building plan document; Handover to UEMOA.
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 6. Conclusion Started in July 2015 Evaluation of the status (August-Dec 2015) Feed back on the findings to be communicated shortly Strong support of the project from member States Ongoing preparation for training & pilote field activities
SADC REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON TRADE IN SERVICES STATISTICS FEB 2016 JNB/SA 6. Conclusion All the steps of pilote phase & first extended survey preparation & execution are financed through the project. Member States will take over after the first extended survey results