You’ll Always Win When You’re Playing with… F.O.U.R. ACES
REVIEW OF “ACE” Strategy for Open- Ended Responses A : Answer the question and offer an opinion in a complete sentence. –This MUST be a definitive, clear answer in the first sentence of your response. –EXAMPLE: “Sam is not a good character in the story because he’s never a good friend toward Ben.” –Do not begin your response with “I think.”
REVIEW OF “ACE” Strategy for Open- Ended Responses C : Cite evidence from the reading selection in order to support your answer. –Evidence may be the form of a quote, a paraphrase (saying it in a different way), or a specific synopsis or summary of the selection. –EXAMPLE: “When Sam told Ben that nobody in class liked him, Sam knew he was lying to Ben and this makes him a friend that cannot be trusted.”
REVIEW OF “ACE” Strategy for Open- Ended Responses E : Explain how your evidence supports your answer/opinion from “A”. –Directly tell the reader how the evidence you just provided proves your answer. –EXAMPLE: “When Sam lies to Ben, it is clear that Sam is not truly friends with Sam but is simply using him in order to do better in school.”
What about this “F.O.U.R.” stuff? F:ind an O:riginal or U:nique R:esponse –F.O.U.R. is important because it makes your writing stand out for the grader. –Original ideas and opinions will always score higher than the responses that aren’t well thought out or well-written.