I am firmly convinced that there is a lot of misunderstanding among God's people in regard to the relationship between the Word and the church Many seem to think that some institution saves them or stands between them and God, because we hear people urge members to "stay faithful to the church". Just to what are we converted? Are we converted To Jesus Christ or the church?
LOOK AT PROPHECY AND FULFILLMENT – WAYS - PATHS - LAWS Isa 2:5; Mic 4:2 – Salvation by calling on the Lord Joel 2:32 – These prophecies fulfilled in Acts 2 – Jesus saves Through
LOOK AT PROPHECY AND FULFILLMENT – WAYS - PATHS - LAWS Isa 2:5; Mic 4:2 – Salvation by calling on the Lord Joel 2:32 – These prophecies fulfilled in Acts 2 – Jesus saves Through His “WAYS”
LOOK AT PROPHECY AND FULFILLMENT – WAYS - PATHS - LAWS Isa 2:5; Mic 4:2 – Salvation by calling on the Lord Joel 2:32 – These prophecies fulfilled in Acts 2 – Jesus saves Through His “WAYS” His “PATHS”
LOOK AT PROPHECY AND FULFILLMENT – WAYS - PATHS - LAWS Isa 2:5; Mic 4:2 – Salvation by calling on the Lord Joel 2:32 – These prophecies fulfilled in Acts 2 – Jesus saves Through His “WAYS” His “PATHS” His “LAWS”
LOOK AT PROPHECY AND FULFILLMENT – WAYS - PATHS - LAWS Isa 2:5; Mic 4:2 – Salvation by calling on the Lord Joel 2:32 – These prophecies fulfilled in Acts 2 – Jesus saves Through His “WAYS” His “PATHS” His “LAWS”
THEN HOW DOES THE CHURCH GROW? – Preachers preached “WORDS” Acts 11:14,19 – “WORDS” = “the Lord Jesus” Acts 11:20 – Preached same as on Pentecost: "that which went forth from Jerusalem" Ways, Paths, Law, Word
THEN HOW DOES THE CHURCH GROW? – Result of preaching “WORDS” – Did they “turn to the church” NO! They “Turned To The Lord” Acts 11:21 Yes, they became a part of the church - the Lord’s people But it was the Lord they "turned to"
TO WHOM OR WHAT MUST WE STAY FAITHFUL? – We must “CLEAVE” to the Lord Acts 11:23 – Why not say "cleave to the church"? – Let's be satisfied with God's way The "Word" or "Way" of the Lord was preached People "turned to the Lord" were "added to the Lord" and were exhorted to "cleave to the Lord"
THE CHURCH IS THE PRODUCT OF THE PROCESS OF SAVING SOULS – The church is the called out people of God – Terms “flock” “body” “family” “kingdom” etc. are designations, each of which emphasize some special characteristic of people who have “turned to the Lord” – “Church” a collective noun (like “flock”) applied to those who “turned to the Lord”
THE CHURCH IS THE PRODUCT OF THE PROCESS OF SAVING SOULS Cont. – Individuals may be cut off from this body of people who have turned to the Lord – Local churches no longer recognized - their “candlestick” removed Rev 2:1-5 – Men can change the “church roster” 3Jhn 9,10 but the basis for fellowship is still “that which went forth from Jerusalem” 1Jhn 1:5-10
Emphasis upon the institutional aspect of "the church" was one of the earliest steps to apostasy The whole or universal body was seen as a "corporate society" which took precedence over the word of God The church, then was soon regarded as the authority for the word or the producer of the word This produced the idea of the "infallible" church
We very quickly reject the idea of the infallible church, but then turn around and plant the seeds that produce that idea by the way we use the word "church" and also many times by what we practice in religion We understand that the "church" is a "corporate society". But we need also to understand that it is the WORD of God that produces this society.
It is the Word that makes Christians and then Christians or disciples make up the corporate society which belongs to God by right of purchase Acts 20:28 Are you a member of the Lord's church as a result of having obeyed the Word of God?