Know the similarities and differences between different types on experiments Be able to evaluate the practical, ethical and theoretical strengths & limitations of experiments Understand the usefulness of experiments Be able to apply your understanding of experiments to the study of crime and deviance
Recap on last weeks lesson
Laboratory Experiments Field Experiments The comparative method What do you already know? Complete the first column of your KWL grid
In 2-3 students read through text in text book and create a summary of the text onto your worksheet Join groups with another 2-3 who were working on the same topic and compare summary – choice of key points, discuss and justify decision – make any alterations. Mix groups so Ss are now with peers who did not study the same topic. Ss exchange summaries with their peer asking/answering any questions.
Work in pairs/threes Without looking at the text book
Outline and critically assess the arguments for and against using experiments in sociology (33marks) How would we answer this? Make a plan in your groups on the Sugar paper
Can you think of any experiments that have been conducted on this topic?
Complete the (15mark) methods in context question on your handout – use the examiners advice to help you – TOP TIP – IF POSSIBLE IN EVERY PARAGRAPH REFER TO BOTH THE METHOD (EXPERIMENTS) & THE CONTEXT (PRISONS) DUE MONDAY – we will be peer marking these and going through exam technique in Mondays lesson Reminder – revise for your timed essay on Friday – 33 mark theory essay on feminism