Video production timeline by: Dalton Cook
1797- The rule of thirds was introduced by John Thomas smith.
Info- The first VRX 1 was sold by ampex corps, for 50,000$.
1822- In 1822 the first ever computer was envented..
1908- In 1908 there was a advertisement was made about sound.
1911- In 1911 more than 1000 people gathered in downtown lawrence,kansas, to watch a mechanical reproduction of the Kansas vs. Missouri football game while being played.
1921- In 1921 the first ever baseball game was radio broadcasted on KDKA..
1940- On febuary,28,1940 the first basketball game was televised.
1955- In 1955,the first ever DVD player was invented by: Toshiba, Sony.
1956- The ampex corporations, used magnetic tape technology pioneered German scientist during world war 2, to create the first video recorder the ampex VRX 1000 introduced in
1950- The Warner brothers began to make a Blue Screen..
1953- In 1953 the first ever wireless mic was invented..
1956- The ampex corporations, used magnetic tape technology pioneered German scientist during world war 2, to create the first video recorder the ampex VRX 1000 introduced in
1958- In 1958 the first tripod head was invented.. It then quickly spread through out the US.
1975- The first video Cassette Recorder, the Sony Beatmax, it was introduced in
1975- The first ever digital camera was invented in
1982 The first Teleprompter was appeared in 1982.
June 2006 The first blu-ray was invented..
1822- In 1822 the first ever computer was envented..
1938- The first ever game show was aired. It was called The Spelling Bee..
1908- The first Television was invented by Alan Campbell..
1855- The first color photo was produced predicted by James Clerk Maxwell..
1930- The term high definition once described a series of television systems originating from the late 1930s.