Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June Setting up a Bureau for Economic Risk Analysis for the Baltic States (BERABALT) Ideas and challenges Prof. dr. Brice De Ruyver Prof. dr. Tom Vander Beken Prof. dr. Gert Vermeulen Brain storming session, Province of East Flanders, 9 June 2004
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June Overview 1. Opportunities, conditions and expectations 2. Berabalt – purpose 3. Information and advice 4. … on risks in the business environment… 5. … to both Belgian and Baltic partners 6. Possible structure 7. Challenges
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June Opportunities, conditions and expectations The “distance” between Flanders and the Baltic States is small (geography, politics, EU, economy,…) Many opportunities for joint activities and investments However, not all conditions and expectations for doing business together are known Need for information about these conditions and expectations
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June Berabalt - purpose BERABALT (Bureau Economic Risk Analysis for the Baltic States) intends to assist joint business activities by providing: information and advice … on risks in the business environment … to both Flemish and Baltic interested partners
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June Information and advice… Information and advice to: support ethical and legal business activity in the Baltic States improve mutual knowledge and understanding about legal systems, conditions and expectations
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June … on risks in the business environment (a) Much economic information and advice is already available to investors: Estonian Investment Agency ( Latvian Development Agency ( Lithuanian Development Agency ( Scanbalt ( Export Vlaanderen ( …
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June … on risks in the business environment (b) But, very few information on risks in the business environment (before and during the business activities): a. Risk analysis How to act legally in business activities (compliance with economic criminal law standards, legal possibilities to take private security measures, screening of staff and business partners…)? (risk to become a perpetrator) How to assess the risk to become the victim of crime (theft, counterfeiting, organised crime infiltration or racketeering, industrial espionage, computer crime, crime and safety in general,…) b. What action (prevention/reaction) is possible? How do law enforcement services (police, justice, customs,…) function? How can public authorities help to prevent or remedy?
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June To both Belgian and Baltic partners Information to potential Flemish investors in general targetted to a specific situation Information to Baltic and Belgian authorities in general on specific questions or problems
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June Possible structure One general contact point (in Ghent): website, telephone, fax,… A strong network in the Baltic States: Belgian representatives (trade, law enforcement liaison officers, …) Baltic authorities (law enforcement, legal departments) and institutions (universities,…) By providing information and advise to (potential) investors… Periodic general surveys on security issues available to the public An on line message board to exchange experiences and questions Specific information on risks and possible actions on request And to authorities both in the Baltic States and in Belgium (reports on frequently encountered problems)
Universiteitstraat 4, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium T +32 (0) , F +32 (0) The Berabalt project - Ghent, 9 June Challenges Co-operation and support from all partners in order to: 1.Know what information is needed (potential investors) 2.Have the commitment that information can and will be provided (Baltic authorities and Belgian authorities in the Baltic region) 3.Pass on the requested information to potential investors and authorities concerned in the Baltic States and in Belgium (Berabalt)