Final Speaking Exam S Topics
Human Nature There are two views of human nature 1.people are naturally giving of themselves 2.people are naturally selfish. What is your view of human nature?
Reaching Your Potential Reaching your potential means becoming the best person you can be. What is your plan to reach your potential?
Basic Survival Needs Human beings have basic survival needs such as food, water and air. 1.What is your view as to how to protect these resources? 2.What are some ways these resources are being threatened?
Individual V Group How do you balance being part of a group and the need to feel unique?
Personal Skills and Self Confidence What kind of things do you feel you do well? What kind of things do you feel you do poorly? Do you avoid doing the things you do poorly or do you try to become better at them?
Boss Philosophy What kind of boss do you think you would be? The kind of boss who trusts your workers because you feel that the workers are smart and care about the company The kind of boss who feels the workers cannot be trusted because they only care about money and themselves?
Using Boss Skills Authority, control, power, leadership, management and influence are some parts of responsibility. Will you welcome this responsibility or run from it?
Personal Maturity Maturity is the process of becoming an adult. 1.Where are you in this process? 2.Do you feel you have a long way to go? 3.Can you see yourself as mature? 4.Is anyone ever fully mature?
Adaptability Most people are forced to adapt to unfamiliar situations. Do you adapt well? Does the prospect of being forced to adapt upset you?
Friend Compatibility What kind of friends do you make? The kind of person whose thinking patterns are similar or dissimilar to yours The kind of person whose strengths and weaknesses are similar dissimilar to yours
Who Should You Marry? What kind of spouse should you have? The spouse whose thinking patterns are similar or dissimilar to yours; The spouse whose strengths and weaknesses are similar dissimilar to yours.
Utopia V Dystopia Utopia is the perfect society Dystopia is a society where everything is going wrong 1.Where do you think the world is headed? 2.Why?
Final Speaking Exam Topics 1.Human Nature 2.Reaching Your Potential 3.Basic Survival Needs 4.Individual V Group 5.Boss Philosophy 6.Using Boss Skills 7.Personal Maturity 8.Adaptability 9.Friend Compatibility 10.Who Should You Marry? 11.Utopia V Dystopia