Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 1
2 THE PASSIVE VOICE We make the passive with be and the past participle of the verb: – English is spoken in the United Kingdom – Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare.
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 3 The passive voice We use the passive when it is not important for us to know who does the action. A sentence can only be used in the passive voice if it contains a transitive verb ( a verb that takes a direct object). In the active voice the subject of the sentence does the action. In the passive voice the object becomes the subject and is having the action done to it
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 4 Changing a sentence from active to passive 1.- Underline the verb 2.- Divide the sentence into: Subject Verb Object 3.- Begin with the object : The object becomes the subject 4.- Use the verb to be in the same tense as in the active + Past participle of the verb
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 5 Put this sentence in the Passive Voice: They make a special menu
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 6 The correct answer: They make a special menu They ( Subject) make ( Verb) a special menu (Object) A special menu is made
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 7 Passive Voice Structure: Active Voice: Shakespeare wrote Romeo and Juliet Subject Verb Object Passive Voice: Romeo and Juliet was written by Shakespeare Subject Verb Agent
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 8 Passive Voice Structure To turn an active voice into passive we need in the active: Subject + Verb + Object. In the passive sentence the object becomes the subject. We use the same verbal tense of the verb to be that we had in the active + past participle of the verb. We may transform the subject into the agent, using by or other prepositions
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 9 Change into the Passive Voice They export oranges They are exporting oranges They exported oranges They were exporting oranges They have exported oranges They have been exporting oranges They had exported oranges They will export oranges Oranges are exported Oranges are being exported Oranges were exported Oranges were being exported Oranges have been exported Oranges have been being exported Oranges had been exported Oranges will be exported
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 10 Pronouns: they change from the subject form to the object form: He finished the report. The report was finished by him Singular Subject Object 1st person I me 2nd person you you 3rd person he/she/it him/her/it Plural Subject Object weusyou theythem
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 11 Passive Voice: The Agent In some passive voice the agent is not mentioned: - When it is understood and it would be strange to mention the doer. We rented our flat last week: Our flat was rented last week - Specially if the agent is a pronoum: We rented our flat last week: Our flat was rented last week
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 12 The passive voice used for effect: English is spokenWhen it is not necessary to mention the subject: English is spoken. The school was vandalisedWhen we are not sure who did the action: The school was vandalised Speaking Spanish is not permitted in the classroom.When demands are made anonimously: Speaking Spanish is not permitted in the classroom. The glass has been brokenWhen we make a nameless accusation: The glass has been broken
Charo Gil IES Avenida de los Toreros 13 Choice of subject for verbs in the Passive. Some verbs may be followed by two objects: (direct and indirect) -The teacher gave Peter a good mark Oi Od Both of them can become the subject: -Peter was given a good mark. -A good mark was given to Peter