Lutheranism “Sola Fide” Origins: Started by Martin Luther in opposition to the corrupt Catholic church of the time Began Reformation by nailing of the 95 theses to the cathedral door
Beliefs The main belief of Lutheranism was “Sola Fide” meaning “Only Faith” in Latin. To Martin this meant all you need is faith in god to reach Heaven Lutherans believed the bible should be read by everyone. They translated copies from Latin to copies from Latin to the common languages the common languages
Source of Ultimate Authority Lutherans held the bible as their ultimate authority in religion. They had Pastors who were like priests but didn’t have authority.
Rituals and Worship Held services very similar to Catholic Mass but in the common language with a focus on the bible. Had only 2 Sacraments: Communion Baptism
Community Life Lutherans lived by the rules laid down by The New Testament and the Ten Commandments Later on Luther encouraged his followers to: Pray before bed and dinner Women to get married and having as many children as possible Reading the bible and intrepeting it yourself
The Catholic Counter- Reformation “The Old Ways Are Not Always Best….” Origin, Beliefs, and Ultimate Source of Authority The Counter-Reformation started during the reign of Pope Paul III He called together all of the Cardinals for the Council of Trent to examine the state of the church Established the Jesuits to establish schools and spread the catholic faith At the Council of Trent the church officials reaffirmed the beliefs of the Catholic church All people were born with “original sin” It was sinful to live in a way that didn’t follow the bible or the ten commandments To reach heaven you had to have faith in god, and do good works by helping others. The council also agreed to keep the current church structure. The pope was the head of the church hierarchy starting with himself and going down to priests. How the pope interpreted the bible was not to change as it went down the hierarchy, unlike the Anglican Church.
The Catholic Counter-Reformation “The Old Ways Are Not Always Best….” Rituals and Worship/ Community Life Catholic Mass remained mostly the same as the Catholic church wanted a catholic to be able to celebrate mass no matter where they were. Mass was as always in Latin. Catholics believed in all seven sacraments (Baptism, Communion, Confession, Confirmation, Marriage, Ordination of Priests, and Last Rites for the dying). Catholic Churches are very ornate with gold and silver everywhere, and clergy in rich clothing. Catholic Communities changed during the counter-Reformation as the church became more of a community organization. New Emphasis on Priests and Nuns interacting with community Seminaries were established to better educate priests Corrupt practices were stopped such as the sale of indulgences and church offices.