Implementation of the international development goals by the Lao PDR I. National Development Strategy II.Progress in the implementation of National Development Strategy National Development Strategy III.International Development Cooperation IV.Challenges and Key lessons learned
I. National Development Strategy National strategy has been based on: National development needs UN and international agreed development goals including: –Millennium Development Goals –Brussels Program of Action –Almaty Program of Action
I. National Development Strategy(cont) Strategy: Transform the multi-sectoral economy from uneven performance to rapid and stable development Increase competitiveness and utilizing comparative advantages Strengthening links between economic and social development, protecting the environment Accelerating the development of social economic infrastructure and finalizing the establishment of a market oriented economy
I. National Development Strategy (cont.) National Development Goals 2005 : Reduce poverty by half and stop opium 2005 : Reduce poverty by half and stop opium cultivation cultivation 2010 : Eradicate mass poverty, stop slash and 2010 : Eradicate mass poverty, stop slash and burn cultivation burn cultivation 2015 : Achieving MDGs 2015 : Achieving MDGs 2020 : Out of LDC status 2020 : Out of LDC status
I. National Development Strategy (cont) Development focus Agriculture/Forestry Development Agriculture/Forestry DevelopmentEducationHealthInfrastructure Cross-sector priorities –Conservation of Biodiversity –Gender equality –Cultural heritage and population… –Drug control, UXO and HIV/AIDS
I. National Development Strategy (cont) Target region: 47 districts identified as the poorest 72 districts identified as poor
I. National Development Strategy (cont) National Socio Economic Development Plan –Targets: –Population : 6.17 mill –GDP growth: 7.5-8% –GDP per cap: $US 800
I. National Development Strategy (cont) Targets for social development: 5 th Plan 6 th Plan 5 th Plan 6 th Plan ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Primary enrolment: 84.2%90.6% Average longevity: 61yr63.5 yr Infant mortality: 70/1000 live birth 55/1000 Under-5 mortality: 98/100075/1000 Maternal mortality: Access to clean water: 63.8%75% Poor household: 28.7%15%
Total Investment Requirements Total: about US$ 90 billion
Public Investment Total: about US$ 30 billion
Private Investment FDI: 60% Domestic: 40% Total: US$60 billion
II. Progress in the implementation of National Development Strategy Stable national economy: GDP growth : 7.5% Per capita : US$ 678 Poverty has gradually reduced: 1992 : 46% 2003 : 33% 2006 : 28.7%
II. Progress in the implementation of National Development Strategy Education Sector: Net enrolment increase: 54% 84% Literacy almost doubled: 31% to 58%. Health Sector: Under-5 mortality rate dropped: Infant mortality rate Maternal mortality
II. Progress in the implementation of National Development Strategy Gender equality: Law on Women Development and Protection (2004) The number of girls per 100 boys in primary education has risen from 77 in 1991 to 86 in 2006 The proportion of female members of the National Assembly increased from 6% (1990) to 25%(2006)
III. International Development Cooperation Enhance international cooperation Meeting international obligations Focus on regional integration Mekong development ASEAN community building Regional connectivity: east-west and north- south corridor
II. International Development Cooperation Strengthen ODA effectiveness Endorsement of Paris Declaration Adoption of Vientiane Declaration on aid effectiveness Enhance enabling environment for investment Strengthen legal framework on investment Conclude bilateral promotion and protection agreement with other countries Promote one-stop-shop service
IV. Challenges and key lessons learned Challenges: Malnutrition remains a concern MMR and IMR is still high Inadequate Capacity of women Financial resources
IV. Key lessons learned and Challenges Lessons learnt: –To reduce poverty, we need to: Focus on sustainable agriculture, rural employment and income generation Ensure rural infrastructure development –To reduce maternal mortality, we need to: Ensure universal access to quality health care, particularly access to skilled birth attendants Raise awareness among ethnic people about benefit of reproductive health
IV. Key lessons learned and Challenges Lessons learnt: –To reduce infant mortality, we need to: Combat malnutrition, increase and sustain immunization coverage.
IV. Key lessons learned and Challenges Lessons learnt: –To address education, we need to: Allocate adequate resources and investment on infrastructure in the area of education across provinces Improve the quality of education Develop a pool of trained teachers and improve curriculum to build its human resource capacity and extend educational opportunities to all.
IV. Key lessons learned and Challenges Lessons learnt –Address sustainable development Improve capacity of various institutions to enforce environmental regulations as well as environmental action plans. There is an urgent need to increase awareness of environmental protection and environmental and health correlations among the general public. –Addressing inadequate resources Reform public expenditure management Effectively implement Vientiane Declaration on aid effectiveness
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