Constant traveling Work in variety of agencies Many branches animatedtv.about.com/od/americandad/ig/Americ
2-Job Description Uses 5 step process Uses 5 step process 1. Planning 2. Gathering 3. Decoding 4. Presenting 5. Doing the job stickingittotheman.com/heroes/undercoverbroth
Stops crimes from happening/Being brought to America Expected to work around the clock Paid for overtime Life essentials are provided
3-Skills Needed Communication Writing concisely Being able to remain calm Co-operating with others Having good judgment Be able to go in high elevation Be able to keep your stamina : vb-online.info/wallpaper/cia/index.aspvb-online.info/wallpaper/cia/index.asp
4-Math/Technical Skills Basic math skills Measuring Multiplying Converting Dividing Adding subtract forums.nzgamer.com/index.php?showtopic=10528
5-Training and Education Law school degree Undergraduate degree in accounting or eligibility Undergraduate degree in any language Federal law enforcement training Training at Hogan’s Alley Completing different simulations at Hogan's alley.
$77,108 made per year $6,426 per month $1,606 per week $9.55 per hour flickr.com/photos/mmuyakwa/ /
7-Job Outlook 50,500 employed in the U.S Expected to grow 10% in next 5 years 6,350 employed in PA.
York-$73,988 Allentown-$72,081 Altoona-$68,833 Erie-$72,191 Harrisburg-$77,108 Johnstown-$68,666 Lancaster-$72,972 Philadelphia-$83,361 Pittsburgh-$77,869 Reading-$75,363 Scranton- $70,549
8-PA Salaries
9-Range of Salaries Minimum-$43,824 Middle 50%-$68,625 Median-$75,180 Upper Middle 50%-$88,241 Maximum-$119,238
10-Is this Job For You? Good at stopping things before it happens. Like to solve things Would like to keep my fellow Americans safe. I am accurate and would be successful. Away from family years at a time
11-Bibliography Cassedy,Patrice. Law Enforcement, Lucent Books,2002. “Federal Law Enforcement Agent" Occupation Profile) Coin Career Community. Markes,Andrew. Encyclopedia of careers Ferguson Publishing Company, 2003 “Occupational Outlook Handbook” December 2007<