Video Follow-Up Will Tammy’s son make it out of poverty? What are the chances that Tammy will achieve her goal of becoming a teacher? Why is Tammy poor? A recurring theme of the video is that people from different classes don’t mix well. Indeed one individual suggested that in terms of personal interaction, the U.S. functions more like a caste than a class system. Do you agree? To what degree do you think Morgan Spurlock’s experience living at the minimum wage level is representative of people who are actually minimum wage workers?
How is Income Distributed? Opportunity at Risk?
Household Income by Family Status What type of household is most economically sound?
Poverty by Family Status What type of household is at greatest risk for falling into poverty?
The Faces of Poverty
Household Income by Race/Ethnicity Are there racial differences in income levels?
Poverty by Race/Ethnicity Which racial categories have the greatest risk of poverty? Which have the highest numbers in poverty?
Household Income by Age of Householder Which age category is most economically sound?
Poverty by Age Which age category is at the greatest risk for poverty?
Household Income by Location Where are the highest incomes concentrated?
Poverty by Location Where are most poor people located? In what areas are people at greater risk for poverty?