March 16Acid-base balance1 Kidneys and acid-base balance
March 16Acid-base balance2 ACID-BASE BALANCE
March 16Acid-base balance3 Terminologies Acid Molecules containing Hydrogen atom that can release H + in a solution. –e.g. HCl ⇌ H + +Cl - Base An ion or molecule that can accept H + –e.g HCO H + ⇌ H 2 CO 3
March 16Acid-base balance4 Terminologies Strong acid Rapidly dissociates and releases especially large amount of H + in a solution Weak acid –Less tendency to dissociate their ions –releases H + with less vigor Strong base –Reacts rapidly and strongly with H + –Quickly removes H + from solution.
March 16Acid-base balance5 Terminologies Alkali –Alkaline metal + highly basic ion. Weak base – binds with H + much more weakly. Buffer –Substance that can reversibly bind H +
March 16Acid-base balance6 Activities of almost all enzyme systems – in the body are influenced by [H + ]. 80mEq of H + is either ingested –or produced each day by metabolism Normal [H + ] in ECF is mEq/L – (40nEq/L) – With normal variation of 3 – 5nEq/L
March 16Acid-base balance7 pH –-Log[H + ] – = log 1/[H + ] –Log[0.0004mEq/L] = -log 4 x Eq/L –= 7.4 pH is inversely related to [H + ] Normal pH of arterial blood is 7.4 –Venous blood and ISF is 7.35.
March 16Acid-base balance8 Acid-base disorders Acidosis pH < 7.4 Alkalosis pH > 7.4 Limits of pH at which a person can live –for > few hours 6.8 – 8.0 pH of urine can range from 4.5 –8.0
March 16Acid-base balance9 Regulators of [H + ] in the body fluids Kidneys play a key role – in regulation of [H + ] Excrete either acidic or alkaline urine However precise control of ECF [H + ] – involve much more than simple elimination by kidneys Also involve –Chemical acid-base buffer systems –Respiratory system
March 16Acid-base balance10 Regulators of [H + ] in the body fluids Chemical acid-base buffer systems –Immediately combine with acid or base –to prevent excessive changes in [H + ] Respiratory centers –regulate the removal of CO 2
3/9/2016Acid-base balance11 BUFFER SYSTEMS
3/9/2016Acid-base balance12 Buffer systems Bicarbonate buffer system Phosphate buffer system Protein buffer system Ammonium buffer system
3/9/2016Acid-base balance13 Buffer systems Buffer + H + ⇌ H Buffer (Weak acid) HBuffer can remain – as undissociate molecule – or dissociate back to Buffer + H + [H + ] Shifts the reaction – to Rt as long as available buffer is present. [H + ] Shifts the reaction to Lt.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance14 The bicarbonate buffer system Consist of water solution with –Weak acid, H 2 CO 3 –Weak base, (HCO 3 - ) e,g NaHCO 3 - CO 2 +H 2 O ⇌ H 2 CO 3 ⇋ H + + HCO 3 - CA CA
3/9/2016Acid-base balance15 The bicarbonate buffer system Carbonic anhydrase –Abundant in lung alveoli –Epithelia cell of renal tubules Because of weak ionization of H 2 CO 3, –[H + ] is extremely low NaHCO 3 ionizes almost completely. –NaHCO 3 ⇌ Na + + HCO 3 -
3/9/2016Acid-base balance16 The bicarbonate buffer system CO 2 + H 2 O ⇌ H 2 CO 3 ⇌ H + + HCO Na
3/9/2016Acid-base balance17 The bicarbonate buffer system H+ from strong acid – are buffered by HCO 3 - – H + + HCO 3 - H 2 CO 3 H 2 O + CO 2 CO 2 stimulates respiration center
3/9/2016Acid-base balance18 The bicarbonate buffer system Addition of strong base e.g.. NaOH –leads to formation of weak base. –NaOH + H 2 CO 3 NaHCO 3 + H 2 O [H 2 CO 3 ] decreases – causing more –CO 2 + H 2 O + H 2 CO 3 CO 2 inhibits respiration. HCO 3 - are excreted by kidneys.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance19 Henderson Hasselbach equation Defines the determinants of pH –regulation of acid-base balance in the ECF. H + are from dissociation of acids. H 2 CO 3 ⇌ H + + HCO 3 - Dissociation constant,K K=[H + ][HCO 3 - ] [H 2 CO 3 - ] [H + ] = K x[ H 2 CO 3 [ HCO 3 - ]
3/9/2016Acid-base balance20 Henderson Hasselbach equation BUT – H 2 CO 3 dissociates –to CO 2 + H 2 O or H + + HCO 3 - rapidly [H + ] = K 1 x CO 2 = K 1 x (0.03 x Pco 2 ) [HCO 3 - ] [HCO 3 - ]
3/9/2016Acid-base balance21 Henderson Hasselbach equation [H + ] = K 1 x CO 2 = K 1 x (0.03 x Pco 2 ) [HCO 3 - ] [HCO 3 - ] pH = -Log[H + ] -Log[H + ] = -Log ( K 1 x 0.03Pco 2 ) [HCO 3 -]
3/9/2016Acid-base balance22 Henderson Hasselbach equation pH = - LogK 1 – Log( 0.03 Pco 2 ) [HCO 3 - ] pH = pK 1 + Log [HCO 3 - ] ( 0.03PCO 2 ) pH = Log [HCO 3 - ] 0.03PCO 2
3/9/2016Acid-base balance23 Henderson Hasselbach equation pH = pK – when [HCO3 - ] = [H 2 CO 3 ]or[CO 2 ]
3/9/2016Acid-base balance24 Henderson Hasselbach equation [HCO 3 - ] is regulated –mainly by the kidneys. PCO 2 in ECF is controlled – by the rate of respiration.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance25 Henderson Hasselbach equation Acid-base disorder occur – when one or both of these –control mechanisms are impaired. Acid-base disorder –resulting from a primary change – in ECF [HCO 3 - ] is referred as metabolic. Resulting from changes in Pco 2 –is referred as respiratory
3/9/2016Acid-base balance26 TITRATION CURVE FOR BICARBONATE BUFFER SYSTEM pK Acid added % of buffer in form of H2CO3 and CO2 Base added % of buffer in form of HCO 3 -
3/9/2016Acid-base balance27 Henderson Hasselbach equation Buffer system is most effective –in the central part of the curve – when pH is near the pK of the system. When pH is near the pK – the change in pH is least –following addition of a base or an acid The bicarbonate buffer system –is the most powerful ECF buffer in the body. –Mainly because HCO 3 - and CO 2 – are regulated by kidneys & lungs respectively.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance28 The phosphate buffer system Main elements are –H 2 PO 4 - and HPO 4 2- It plays major role –in buffering renal tubular fluid and ICF’s HPO 4 2- accepts H + –from strong acids –to form weak acid H 2 PO 4 - –and in pH is minimized e.g. HCl + NaHPO 4 NaCl + NAH 2 PO 4.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance29 The phosphate buffer system Strong bases –are converted to weak based – by H 2 PO 4 - –causing only a slight increase in pH. e.g NaOH + NaH 2 PO 4 Na 2 HPO 4 + H 2 O.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance30 The phosphate buffer system Has pK of 6.8 –near normal pH of body fluids. –Allows the system to operate –near its maximum buffering power. Its total buffering power in ECF – is much less than that of Bicarbonate buffer system – because its concentration in ECF –is low, about 2mOsm/L ( 8% of HCO 3 - buffer)
3/9/2016Acid-base balance31 The phosphate buffer system Important in buffering ICF’s because –[phosphate] in ICF’s is many times – that in ECF,11mOsm/L –pH of ICF’s is closer to pK of phosphate buffer.(pH = )
3/9/2016Acid-base balance32 The phosphate buffer system The phosphate buffer system –is especially important in the renal tubular fluids because. Phosphate usually becomes – greatly concentrated in these tubules. –Tubular fluid usually has lower pH than ECF(thus pH closure to pK of the phosphate buffer)
3/9/2016Acid-base balance33 Proteins Important ICF buffer because –of their high concentration within the cells. Proteins can accept or release H + –e.g hemoglobin in RBC, H + Hb ⇌ HHb pKs of many protein buffer systems – are fairly close to 7.4 60 –70% total chemical buffering –of the body fluids is inside the cells – and most of this results from intracellular proteins.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance34 Proteins pH changes in ICF’s – is approximately in proportion to ECF pH changes. –Slight amount of Diffusion of H + and HCO 3 - through the cell membranes However CO 2 diffuses rapidly – through all cell membranes, –this causes pH change in ICF –when there are changes in ECF pH. For this reason, ICF buffer systems –help to prevent pH changes of ECF, – but may take several hours to become maximally effective.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance35 Ammonia buffer system Composed of –NH 3 and NH 4 + 2 nd buffer system in the tubular fluids More important quantitatively than the phosphate buffer system.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance36 Buffer systems All buffers in a common solution –are in Equilibrium with the same [H+] –HA ⇌ H + + A - –K = [H + ] [A - ] [HA] H + = K x [HA] = K,[HA] = K 2 [HA 2 ] =K 3 x [HA 3 ] [A - ] [A1 - ] [A 2 - ] [A 3 - ]
3/9/2016Acid-base balance37 Respiratory control of acid-base balance 2 nd line defense against – acid-base disturbances –is regulation of CO 2 removal by lungs CO 2 is continuously formed –in the body by intracellular metabolic processes 1.2 mol/L of dissolved CO 2 is in ECF
3/9/2016Acid-base balance38 Respiratory control of acid-base balance If the rate of metabolic formation – of CO 2 ↑ –↑Pco 2 in ECF, –And the vice versa ↑pulmonary ventilation →↓ Pco 2 in ECF –And vice versa.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance39 Respiratory control of acid-base balance Changes in either – pulmonary ventilation –or rate of CO 2 formation – can change ECF P CO 2 Rate of alveolar ventilation – is the only factor that affect P CO 2 in ECF –provided metabolic formation of CO2 is constant.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance40 Respiratory control of acid-base balance ↑alveolar ventilation –↓PCO 2, ↓H 2 CO 3, ↓[H + ], ↑pH,of ECF. –And vice versa. Increased alveolar ventilation –to about twice the normal – raises the ECF pH by about 0.23
3/9/2016Acid-base balance41 Respiratory control of acid-base balance ↑[H + ] stimulates alveolar ventilation. ↓[H + ] causes a decrease –in ventilation rate. The respiratory system acts as typical –negative feedback controller of [H + ] Efficiency of respiratory control of [H + ] – is 50-75%.
3/9/2016Acid-base balance42 Respiratory control of acid-base balance when cause of acid-base disturbance – is outside the respiratory system. –Response occurs within 3-12 minutes. The overall buffering power –of respiratory system –is 1-2 times that of total chemical buffers in the ECF.