The End of Reconstruction
The Grant Administration 15 th Amendment: All Males the right to vote Elected mostly by the “new” black vote Due to loop holes, the 14 th and 15 th Amendments could be avoided by placing restrictions. High level jobs in govt. to friends etc. (spoils system – radical republicans) His VP Schuyler Colfax investigated for scheming RR companies Ran against new “Liberal Republicans” in 1872 and defeated Horace Greeley Looked the other way when top ranking politicians were involved in scandals Allowed “Political Bosses” (Boss Tweed) to take control in major cities
Creation of the Ku Klux Klan Formed in Tennessee in Former Confederates (1 being Nathan Bedford Forrest) Terror organization burning homes, churches, and Freedman’s Bureau establishments Injuring and even killing blacks and their white supporters
Enforcement Acts Aka Ku Klux Klan Acts Federal offense to interfere with a citizen’s right to vote Congress sought the opinion and observations of black Americans in forming this act Racial tension and violence was taking place in North as well as the South , Hundreds of Klansmen were indicted (brought to court)
Election of 1876 / Compromise of 1877 Rutherford B. Hayes (R ) vs. Samuel J. Tilden (D) Radical Republicans have lost their grip on power. Hayes: Respected Union General. House of Reps. 1866, Gov. of Ohio, promoting reform Tilden: fighting corruption in NY, Votes: Tilden received 51% and carried southern votes. Republicans claim a miscount and want a recount. Once these votes were recounted in 3 southern states it swung the election back to Hayes by 1 electoral vote. Democrats protested the vote Congress formed a committee of 5 Senators (southern dominated) and 5 Representatives (Democrat dominated), 5 Supreme Court Justices Hayes came out as winner – Many believe a deal was struck to have another Republican President in return the Republicans would end Reconstruction and give control back to white Democrats