JASS 2006 Agile Software Development
JASS 2006 Agenda
JASS 2006 What is „Agility“? „Agility is the ability to both create and respond to change in order to profit in a turbulent buisness environment.“ [Jim Highsmith, Agile Software Development Ecosystems, Preface XXIII]
JASS 2006 Chaordic – Chaos mixed with order Natural blend of Chaos and Order Most organisations and projects exhibt chaordic structures Is about self-organisation and self- governance, evolutionary like nature Often used to describe agile software development processes.
JASS 2006 Management and Developing before Agile Countermovement to heavy and bureaucratic software development processes Waterfall V-Modell Beginning in the early 1990ies, became publically known in 1999 with Kent Becks „Extreme Programming“
JASS 2006 Agile Manifesto Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan [Source: Agile Manifesto, 3/29/2006 ]
JASS 2006 This does NOT mean processes and tools don‘t matter.... that we need no documentation.... that we need no contracts.... make a plan and follow it is obsolete.
JASS 2006 Principles Keep it { simple, small } and { stupid, straigthforward, smart } (KISS) Use resources carefully „Chaordic“ nature of projects and organisations
JASS 2006 Flavours of Agile Development Extreme Programming ScrumCrystal
JASS 2006 Extreme Programming iterative adaptive continous integration/build became generally known with Kent Beck
JASS 2006 Scrum living backlog of prioritized work to be done Completion of a fixed set of backlog items in a series of short iterations (sprints) Brief planning session to define backlog items for the next sprint Retrospective for all team members to reflect the last sprint
JASS 2006 Crystal Different methods for different group sizes Common feature set: –Frequent Delivery –Reflective Improvement –Close Communication „Crystal Clear“ most known
JASS 2006 Any questions?