Lessons from the Boy King 2Chronicles 24 Joash:
Lessons from the Boy King 2Chronicles 24 The Background: Asa (ruled 41 years), and then his son, Johoshaphat (25 years), had been ‘good’ kings of Judah, 911 – 848 B.C. Then came Jehoram, son of Jehoshaphat, whom the Lord killed with disease, cf. 2Chron.21:12-13, Next, Ahaziah, Jehoram’s youngest son, was made king in Judah. His mother was Athaliah, the daughter of wicked king Ahab (of the northern kingdom). He was wicked, and God used Jehu to “cut off the house of Ahab”- he and his brothers were slain, 2Chron.22:1-9. Joash:
Lessons from the Boy King 2Chronicles 24 The Background: After Ahaziah and his brothers were killed, their mother, Athaliah had all the royal offspring killed so she could rule Judah, 2Chron.22:10. But a daughter of Jehoram, Jehoshabeath, saved and hid one of the sons of Ahaziah, Joash, 2Chron.22: Six years later, Jehoida, the priest, gathered and organized the Levites and family heads to Jerusalem and brought out the 7 year old Joash from the house of God and made him king (and killed the wicked Athaliah!), 2Chron.23:1-15. Joash:
Lessons from the Boy King 2Chronicles 24 The Story: After Johoida made Joash king & killed Athaliah, he rededicated the people spiritually, 2Chron.23: Joash’s first order of business was to restore the Temple, vv.1-8. The people rejoiced and complied willingly to taxation, vv The work was completed with money left over; it was converted to utensils for use in the Lord’s House, vv Then Jehoida, the priest, died, vv Joash:
Lessons from the Boy King 2Chronicles 24 The Story: After the death Johoida, King Joash began to listen to “officials of Judah” and began to apostatize, then turned to idolatry completely, vv God sent prophets to correct, but Joash and his counselors wouldn’t listen, v.19. They even killed a son (or grandson*) of Jehoida, Zechariah, “at the command of the king,” vv Apostasy was complete. God used a smaller army to defeat and wound him, then his own servants killed him to avenge Zechariah, vv Joash:
Lessons from the Boy King 2Chronicles 24 The Lessons for Us: 1.Choose your friends/counselors wisely; Joash did well while Jehoida lived- even with the wives Jehoida chose for him, vv.2,3-4; 2Kings 12:2; Prov.13:20. 2.But bad counselors can turn and corrupt even good people, v.17; 1Cor.15:33. 3.God’s people need ‘good leadership’ and ‘good works’ to do, vv.4-10; Gen.2:15. 4.With ‘good/solution-oriented leadership’ and ‘good works,’ God’s people do ‘good things’ abundantly vv.11-14; 2Cor.8:1-4. Joash:
Lessons from the Boy King 2Chronicles 24 The Lessons for Us: 5.It’s never good to go against God and His word- He can and will use even the ‘small’ & weak to bring about justice to the large & powerful, vv.24-25; 2Cor.5:10. 6.It’s not just how you start- finishing well matters also, vv.2, 17-22; cf. Heb.3:12-14! Joash: