By: Ariana Gonzalez and Heather York
Habitat Harp seals live in cold areas such as the Arctic and coastal waters or on pack ice. They are located in the Arctic, the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and Siberia. on-canadian-consulate-in-philly-prompting-the-natural- response-theres-a-canadian-consulate-in-philly/
POPULATION Their population has gone down in the last decade. People say this is because of global warming. There are 6 million harp seals in the Arctic Ocean today when there use to be around 9 million. Many people believe they won’t be around much longer. otooftheda y.blogspot. com/2008 _10_11_ar chive.html
Ice Loss s/2007/10/11/ php
The harp seals ice is slowly melting away because of global warming. Soon all there will be is slush. Harp seals will eventually start dieing off. states/us-climate- data-sensors- compromised/blog /?link=ibaf&i mgurl= /ar-shame- 01.jpg&q=harp%2Bs eals%2Bplaying harp-seal-78-pictures.htm
Enemies The harp seal is enemies with: 1.Killer whales 2.Sharks 3.Polar Bears 4.Canadian hunters These are their enemies because they kill the harp seals. entisfree/cifamer ica/2009/jul/16/c anada- environment- carbon- emissions-g8
What They Eat Harp seals eat many small fish, big fish, and jelly fish. They eat the jellies because they think they are big fish. Their young eat crab.
Why people are scared for them!!! Many people are scared for them because they want their children and grandchildren to be able to see them. Many people are trying to save them just like they are for the polar bears. Many people believe if you put them in a huge tank like the one at sea world they would be saved because of the cold water but what some people don’t realize is that they need ice.
Global warming is making it so that all the ice is melting. This is making the population of the harp seals go down because they will have no ice to go on. Harp seals don’t live only in the water and can’t swim for very long. This means that some of the seals are drowning. What is happening now? com/2009_03_01_archive.html
Sometimes when harp seals go looking for their food in the cold water the ice is blocking the surface. The seals then have to make a tunnel going up through the piece of ice. /water_animals/su b2.html p/ html
It is believed that Many people believe that seals belong at Sea World. This would help them for a little while but soon the tank would get over crowded. It is also not good because they need ice and there is no ice in the tanks at sea world. il/ /Stockbyte
Global Warming Is When……. Global warming is when the earth heats up and makes the atmospheres temperature rise. This is dangerous because green house gasses can kill humans,animals,plants and even sea life. The green house effect is when the heat gets trapped in the atmosphere and can not escape THE GREEN HOUSE EFFECT ures%20Of%20Smoke%20From% 20Factories&url= smoke%201.jpg
They are not only being killed from global warming they are also killed by………….. Canada is also killing seals by hunting them They are hunting them for there fur They use the fur for jackets, hats, shoes, and blankets m/bloveliesf an4life/blog/
Interesting facts Harp seals eat many different fish. They live in the arctic. Their population is going down because of global warming. When harp seals have babies their babies are all white. They have thick short fur, some are white with black patches, or they are black with white patches. bin/paint/fssAlsfsNXrf/subje cts/mammals/pinniped/Har psealprintout.shtml
Description They are white and black and have patches. Harp seals could also be gray and really smooth looking instead of looking fluffy and white. When harp seals have babies they are fully white and have some gray patches.
About where they live –They live in arctic areas like the arctic ocean –The arctic ocean also contains much more animals besides the harp seals it has polar bears, sharks,whales, and fish –It has many ice glaciers
Pictures of harp seals 12/seven-darn-cute-baby-animal- photos.php 2008/03/seal- hunt-more- humane.php
You can Stop global warming by…….. You can help by not polluting the earth and helping reduce your trash. You can join groups and pick up trash around the water. Use your car less. Use energy saving light bulbs. You could make a difference m/coloring- page- recycle- i11351.html blog.montar tegory/lifest uff/
Work cited “Harp seal." N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Dec < s/webgame/amandaru/title.htm>. "Harp seals extinct in two years." Sea Shepard Conservation Society. Sea Shepard Society, 29 Oct Web. 12 Dec Naik, Abhijit. "Haro Seal Facts." Intelligent Life on the Web. Buzzle, 29 May Web. 12 Dec "An Introduction to the Canadian Seal Hunt." Working to End the Canadian Harp Seal Slaughter. Harpseals, Web. 12 Dec