*Periods in Ancient Roman Art Republic BCE to 27 BCE Early Empire - 27 BCE to 96 CE High Empire - 96 CE to 192 CE Late Empire to 337 CE
Periods in Greek Art Archaic 600 – 480 BCE Early Classical BCE High Classical 450 – 400 BCE Late Classical 400 – 323 BCE Hellenistic 323 – 31 BCE Periods in Ancient Roman Art Republic BCE to 27 BCE Early Empire - 27 BCE to 96 CE High Empire - 96 CE to 192 CE Late Empire to 337 CE
Head of a Roman Patrician, ca. 75 – 50 BCE Republic
Temple of Fortuna Virilis, Rome, Italy, ca. 75 BCE (Republic)
Temple of Vesta, Tivoli, Italy Early first century BCE, Republic
Corinthian Capitals
*Portrait of Augustus, early 1 st century CE, copy of bronze original from 20 BCE Early Empire
Portrait of Augustus and Polykleitos’s Spearbearer
Aerial view of Forum, Pompeii, Italy, begun in Republic Period
Atrium of the House of the Vettii, Pompeii, Early Empire
*Wall Paintings, Pompeii, Italy Frescos
Painting from Villa of Publius Fannius Synistor, Boscoreale, Republic (Fresco)
*Colosseum, Rome, Early Empire, CE
Photo taken by Marie Mosseri class of 2013
*Arch of Titus, Rome, High Empire 81 AD
*Spoils of Jerusalem, Early/High Empire
Triumph of Titus, Relief panel from Arch of Titus, Rome, Italy, after 81 CE
*Pantheon, Aerial View (left) and Interior View (right) Rome, High Empire
*Pantheon, (Cross Section)
Photo taken by Marie Mosseri class of 2013
*Arch of Constantine, Rome, Italy Late Empire, CE
Detail from Arch of Constantine
*Reconstructed View of Basilica of Constantine, Rome, Late Empire
Basilica of Constantine, Rome, Late Empire