Why Develop HRG4? John Madsen, Programme Manager Stephen Cole, Principal Casemix Consultant
What is an HRG? Standard groupings Clinically similar patients Consume comparable levels of healthcare resource NHS equivalent to Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs) Relies on underlying classification systems (OPCS, ICD) Version 3.5 used as basis for payment in delivering Payment by Results Intention: to accurately capture clinical activity in the NHS
Version 3.5 HRGs: the Political Environment Designed prior to introduction of Payment by Results – no relationship to reimbursement Partial support for wider DH policy initiatives No annual review cycle
Version 3.5 HRGs: the Design Environment 550 HRGs Based on Length of Stay Wide cost variation within the same HRG Based on OPCS 4.2 Revised early 1990s Not updated for changes in clinical practice Simplified complications and comorbidities Limited age and other splits
Version 3.5 to HRG4 Differences in… Activity measures [spells] Scope [settings] Coverage [services] Counting [unbundling] Codes [OPCS 4.3] and HRG format…
HRG4 Format Chapter & subchapter LA 03 B Urinary Tract & Male Reproductive System Urinary Tract & Male Reproductive System Number Split In this case ‘B’ means <19 ‘Z’ means no split In this case ‘B’ means <19 ‘Z’ means no split Renal Procedures and Disorders Renal Procedures and Disorders Kidney Transplant from Live Donor